'use strict' const micromatch = require('micromatch') const normalize = require('normalize-path') const path = require('path') const debug = require('debug')('lint-staged:gen-tasks') /** * Generates all task commands, and filelist * * @param {object} options * @param {Object} [options.config] - Task configuration * @param {Object} [options.cwd] - Current working directory * @param {boolean} [options.gitDir] - Git root directory * @param {boolean} [options.files] - Staged filepaths * @param {boolean} [options.relative] - Whether filepaths to should be relative to gitDir */ module.exports = function generateTasks({ config, cwd = process.cwd(), gitDir, files, relative = false, }) { debug('Generating linter tasks') const absoluteFiles = files.map((file) => normalize(path.resolve(gitDir, file))) const relativeFiles = absoluteFiles.map((file) => normalize(path.relative(cwd, file))) return Object.entries(config).map(([pattern, commands]) => { const isParentDirPattern = pattern.startsWith('../') const fileList = micromatch( relativeFiles // Only worry about children of the CWD unless the pattern explicitly // specifies that it concerns a parent directory. .filter((file) => { if (isParentDirPattern) return true return !file.startsWith('..') && !path.isAbsolute(file) }), pattern, { cwd, dot: true, // If pattern doesn't look like a path, enable `matchBase` to // match against filenames in every directory. This makes `*.js` // match both `test.js` and `subdirectory/test.js`. matchBase: !pattern.includes('/'), } ).map((file) => normalize(relative ? file : path.resolve(cwd, file))) const task = { pattern, commands, fileList } debug('Generated task: \n%O', task) return task }) }