const la = require('lazy-ass') const is = require('check-more-types') const { join } = require('path') const { existsSync } = require('fs') /** * Returns parsed command line arguments. * If start command is NPM script name defined in the package.json * file in the current working directory, returns 'npm run start' command. */ const getArguments = cliArgs => { la(is.strings(cliArgs), 'expected list of strings', cliArgs) const service = { start: 'start', url: undefined } const services = [service] let test = 'test' if (cliArgs.length === 1 && isUrlOrPort(cliArgs[0])) { // passed just single url or port number, for example // "start": "http://localhost:8080" service.url = normalizeUrl(cliArgs[0]) } else if (cliArgs.length === 2) { if (isUrlOrPort(cliArgs[0])) { // passed port and custom test command // like ":8080 test-ci" service.url = normalizeUrl(cliArgs[0]) test = cliArgs[1] } if (isUrlOrPort(cliArgs[1])) { // passed start command and url/port // like "start-server 8080" service.start = cliArgs[0] service.url = normalizeUrl(cliArgs[1]) } } else if (cliArgs.length === 5) { service.start = cliArgs[0] service.url = normalizeUrl(cliArgs[1]) const secondService = { start: cliArgs[2], url: normalizeUrl(cliArgs[3]) } services.push(secondService) test = cliArgs[4] } else { la( cliArgs.length === 3, 'expected \n', 'example: start-test start 8080 test\n', 'see\n' ) service.start = cliArgs[0] service.url = normalizeUrl(cliArgs[1]) test = cliArgs[2] } services.forEach(service => { service.start = normalizeCommand(service.start) }) test = normalizeCommand(test) return { services, test } } function normalizeCommand (command) { return UTILS.isPackageScriptName(command) ? `npm run ${command}` : command } /** * Returns true if the given string is a name of a script in the package.json file * in the current working directory */ const isPackageScriptName = command => { la(is.unemptyString(command), 'expected command name string', command) const packageFilename = join(process.cwd(), 'package.json') if (!existsSync(packageFilename)) { return false } const packageJson = require(packageFilename) if (!packageJson.scripts) { return false } return Boolean(packageJson.scripts[command]) } const isWaitOnUrl = s => /^https?-(?:get|head|options)/.test(s) const isUrlOrPort = input => { const str = is.string(input) ? input.split('|') : [input] return str.every(s => { if (is.url(s)) { return s } // wait-on allows specifying HTTP verb to use instead of default HEAD // and the format then is like "http-get://" to use GET if (isWaitOnUrl(s)) { return s } if (is.number(s)) { return is.port(s) } if (!is.string(s)) { return false } if (s[0] === ':') { const withoutColon = s.substr(1) return is.port(parseInt(withoutColon)) } return is.port(parseInt(s)) }) } const normalizeUrl = input => { const str = is.string(input) ? input.split('|') : [input] return => { if (is.url(s)) { return s } if (is.number(s) && is.port(s)) { return `http://localhost:${s}` } if (!is.string(s)) { return s } if (is.port(parseInt(s))) { return `http://localhost:${s}` } if (s[0] === ':') { return `http://localhost${s}` } // for anything else, return original argument return s }) } function printArguments ({ services, test }) { services.forEach((service, k) => { console.log('%d: starting server using command "%s"', k + 1, service.start) console.log( 'and when url "%s" is responding with HTTP status code 200', service.url ) }) console.log('running tests using command "%s"', test) console.log('') } // placing functions into a common object // makes them methods for easy stubbing const UTILS = { getArguments, isPackageScriptName, isUrlOrPort, normalizeUrl, printArguments } module.exports = UTILS