const mri = require('mri'); const $ = require('./utils'); const ALL = '__all__'; const DEF = '__default__'; class Sade { constructor(name, isOne) { let [bin,] = name.split(/\s+/); isOne = isOne || rest.length > 0; this.bin = bin; this.ver = '0.0.0'; this.default = ''; this.tree = {}; // set internal shapes; this.command(ALL); this.command([DEF].concat(isOne ? rest : '').join(' ')); this.single = isOne; this.curr = ''; // reset } command(str, desc, opts={}) { if (this.single) { throw new Error('Disable "single" mode to add commands'); } // All non-([|<) are commands let cmd=[], usage=[], rgx=/(\[|<)/; str.split(/\s+/).forEach(x => { (rgx.test(x.charAt(0)) ? usage : cmd).push(x); }); // Back to string~! cmd = cmd.join(' '); if (cmd in this.tree) { throw new Error(`Command already exists: ${cmd}`); } // re-include `cmd` for commands cmd.includes('__') || usage.unshift(cmd); usage = usage.join(' '); // to string this.curr = cmd; if (opts.default) this.default=cmd; this.tree[cmd] = { usage, alibi:[], options:[], alias:{}, default:{}, examples:[] }; if (opts.alias) this.alias(opts.alias); if (desc) this.describe(desc); return this; } describe(str) { this.tree[this.curr || DEF].describe = Array.isArray(str) ? str : $.sentences(str); return this; } alias(...names) { if (this.single) throw new Error('Cannot call `alias()` in "single" mode'); if (!this.curr) throw new Error('Cannot call `alias()` before defining a command'); let arr = this.tree[this.curr].alibi = this.tree[this.curr].alibi.concat(...names); arr.forEach(key => this.tree[key] = this.curr); return this; } option(str, desc, val) { let cmd = this.tree[ this.curr || ALL ]; let [flag, alias] = $.parse(str); if (alias && alias.length > 1) [flag, alias]=[alias, flag]; str = `--${flag}`; if (alias && alias.length > 0) { str = `-${alias}, ${str}`; let old = cmd.alias[alias]; cmd.alias[alias] = (old || []).concat(flag); } let arr = [str, desc || '']; if (val !== void 0) { arr.push(val); cmd.default[flag] = val; } else if (!alias) { cmd.default[flag] = void 0; } cmd.options.push(arr); return this; } action(handler) { this.tree[ this.curr || DEF ].handler = handler; return this; } example(str) { this.tree[ this.curr || DEF ].examples.push(str); return this; } version(str) { this.ver = str; return this; } parse(arr, opts={}) { arr = arr.slice(); // copy let offset=2, tmp, idx, isVoid, cmd; let alias = { h:'help', v:'version' }; let argv = mri(arr.slice(offset), { alias }); let isSingle = this.single; let bin = this.bin; let name = ''; if (isSingle) { cmd = this.tree[DEF]; } else { // Loop thru possible command(s) let i=1, xyz, len=argv._.length + 1; for (; i < len; i++) { tmp = argv._.slice(0, i).join(' '); xyz = this.tree[tmp]; if (typeof xyz === 'string') { idx = (name=xyz).split(' '); arr.splice(arr.indexOf(argv._[0]), i, ...idx); i += (idx.length - i); } else if (xyz) { name = tmp; } else if (name) { break; } } cmd = this.tree[name]; isVoid = (cmd === void 0); if (isVoid) { if (this.default) { name = this.default; cmd = this.tree[name]; arr.unshift(name); offset++; } else if (tmp) { return $.error(bin, `Invalid command: ${tmp}`); } //=> else: cmd not specified, wait for now... } } // show main help if relied on "default" for multi-cmd if ( return!isSingle && !isVoid && name); if (argv.version) return this._version(); if (!isSingle && cmd === void 0) { return $.error(bin, 'No command specified.'); } let all = this.tree[ALL]; // merge all objects :: params > command > all opts.alias = Object.assign(all.alias, cmd.alias, opts.alias); opts.default = Object.assign(all.default, cmd.default, opts.default); tmp = name.split(' '); idx = arr.indexOf(tmp[0], 2); if (!!~idx) arr.splice(idx, tmp.length); let vals = mri(arr.slice(offset), opts); if (!valsĀ || typeof vals === 'string') { return $.error(bin, vals || 'Parsed unknown option flag(s)!'); } let segs = cmd.usage.split(/\s+/); let reqs = segs.filter(x => x.charAt(0)==='<'); let args = vals._.splice(0, reqs.length); if (args.length < reqs.length) { if (name) bin += ` ${name}`; // for help text return $.error(bin, 'Insufficient arguments!'); } segs.filter(x => x.charAt(0)==='[').forEach(_ => { args.push(vals._.shift()); // adds `undefined` per [slot] if no more }); args.push(vals); // flags & co are last let handler = cmd.handler; return opts.lazy ? { args, name, handler } : handler.apply(null, args); } help(str) { console.log( $.help(this.bin, this.tree, str || DEF, this.single) ); } _version() { console.log(`${this.bin}, ${this.ver}`); } } module.exports = (str, isOne) => new Sade(str, isOne);