'use strict'; var es = require('../') , it = require('it-is') , u = require('ubelt') , spec = require('stream-spec') , Stream = require('stream') , from = require('from') , through = require('through') //REFACTOR THIS TEST TO USE es.readArray and es.writeArray function writeArray(array, stream) { array.forEach( function (j) { stream.write(j) }) stream.end() } function readStream(stream, done) { var array = [] stream.on('data', function (data) { array.push(data) }) stream.on('error', done) stream.on('end', function (data) { done(null, array) }) } //call sink on each write, //and complete when finished. function pauseStream (prob, delay) { var pauseIf = ( 'number' == typeof prob ? function () { return Math.random() < prob } : 'function' == typeof prob ? prob : 0.1 ) var delayer = ( !delay ? process.nextTick : 'number' == typeof delay ? function (next) { setTimeout(next, delay) } : delay ) return es.through(function (data) { if(!this.paused && pauseIf()) { console.log('PAUSE STREAM PAUSING') this.pause() var self = this delayer(function () { console.log('PAUSE STREAM RESUMING') self.resume() }) } console.log("emit ('data', " + data + ')') this.emit('data', data) }) } exports ['simple map'] = function (test) { var input = u.map(1, 1000, function () { return Math.random() }) var expected = input.map(function (v) { return v * 2 }) var pause = pauseStream(0.1) var fs = from(input) var ts = es.writeArray(function (err, ar) { it(ar).deepEqual(expected) test.done() }) var map = es.through(function (data) { this.emit('data', data * 2) }) spec(map).through().validateOnExit() spec(pause).through().validateOnExit() fs.pipe(map).pipe(pause).pipe(ts) } exports ['simple map applied to a stream'] = function (test) { var input = [1,2,3,7,5,3,1,9,0,2,4,6] //create event stream from var doubler = es.map(function (data, cb) { cb(null, data * 2) }) spec(doubler).through().validateOnExit() //a map is only a middle man, so it is both readable and writable it(doubler).has({ readable: true, writable: true, }) readStream(doubler, function (err, output) { it(output).deepEqual(input.map(function (j) { return j * 2 })) // process.nextTick(x.validate) test.done() }) writeArray(input, doubler) } exports['pipe two maps together'] = function (test) { var input = [1,2,3,7,5,3,1,9,0,2,4,6] //create event stream from function dd (data, cb) { cb(null, data * 2) } var doubler1 = es.map(dd), doubler2 = es.map(dd) doubler1.pipe(doubler2) spec(doubler1).through().validateOnExit() spec(doubler2).through().validateOnExit() readStream(doubler2, function (err, output) { it(output).deepEqual(input.map(function (j) { return j * 4 })) test.done() }) writeArray(input, doubler1) } //next: // // test pause, resume and drian. // // then make a pipe joiner: // // plumber (evStr1, evStr2, evStr3, evStr4, evStr5) // // will return a single stream that write goes to the first exports ['map will not call end until the callback'] = function (test) { var ticker = es.map(function (data, cb) { process.nextTick(function () { cb(null, data * 2) }) }) spec(ticker).through().validateOnExit() ticker.write('x') ticker.end() ticker.on('end', function () { test.done() }) } exports ['emit error thrown'] = function (test) { var err = new Error('INTENSIONAL ERROR') , mapper = es.map(function () { throw err }) mapper.on('error', function (_err) { it(_err).equal(err) test.done() }) // onExit(spec(mapper).basic().validate) //need spec that says stream may error. mapper.write('hello') } exports ['emit error calledback'] = function (test) { var err = new Error('INTENSIONAL ERROR') , mapper = es.map(function (data, callback) { callback(err) }) mapper.on('error', function (_err) { it(_err).equal(err) test.done() }) mapper.write('hello') } exports ['do not emit drain if not paused'] = function (test) { var map = es.map(function (data, callback) { u.delay(callback)(null, 1) return true }) spec(map).through().pausable().validateOnExit() map.on('drain', function () { it(false).ok('should not emit drain unless the stream is paused') }) it(map.write('hello')).equal(true) it(map.write('hello')).equal(true) it(map.write('hello')).equal(true) setTimeout(function () {map.end()},10) map.on('end', test.done) } exports ['emits drain if paused, when all '] = function (test) { var active = 0 var drained = false var map = es.map(function (data, callback) { active ++ u.delay(function () { active -- callback(null, 1) })() console.log('WRITE', false) return false }) spec(map).through().validateOnExit() map.on('drain', function () { drained = true it(active).equal(0, 'should emit drain when all maps are done') }) it(map.write('hello')).equal(false) it(map.write('hello')).equal(false) it(map.write('hello')).equal(false) process.nextTick(function () {map.end()},10) map.on('end', function () { console.log('end') it(drained).ok('shoud have emitted drain before end') test.done() }) } exports ['map applied to a stream with filtering'] = function (test) { var input = [1,2,3,7,5,3,1,9,0,2,4,6] var doubler = es.map(function (data, callback) { if (data % 2) callback(null, data * 2) else callback() }) readStream(doubler, function (err, output) { it(output).deepEqual(input.filter(function (j) { return j % 2 }).map(function (j) { return j * 2 })) test.done() }) spec(doubler).through().validateOnExit() writeArray(input, doubler) } exports ['simple mapSync applied to a stream'] = function (test) { var input = [1,2,3,7,5,3,1,9,0,2,4,6] var doubler = es.mapSync(function (data) { return data * 2 }) readStream(doubler, function (err, output) { it(output).deepEqual(input.map(function (j) { return j * 2 })) test.done() }) spec(doubler).through().validateOnExit() writeArray(input, doubler) } exports ['mapSync applied to a stream with filtering'] = function (test) { var input = [1,2,3,7,5,3,1,9,0,2,4,6] var doubler = es.mapSync(function (data) { if (data % 2) return data * 2 }) readStream(doubler, function (err, output) { it(output).deepEqual(input.filter(function (j) { return j % 2 }).map(function (j) { return j * 2 })) test.done() }) spec(doubler).through().validateOnExit() writeArray(input, doubler) } require('./helper')(module)