/* global CSSRule */ /** * Split URL * @param {string} url * @return {object} */ function splitUrl (url) { let hash = ''; let params = ''; let index = url.indexOf('#'); if (index >= 0) { hash = url.slice(index); url = url.slice(0, index); } // http://your.domain.com/path/to/combo/??file1.css,file2,css const comboSign = url.indexOf('??'); if (comboSign >= 0) { if ((comboSign + 1) !== url.lastIndexOf('?')) { index = url.lastIndexOf('?'); } } else { index = url.indexOf('?'); } if (index >= 0) { params = url.slice(index); url = url.slice(0, index); } return { url, params, hash }; }; /** * Get path from URL (remove protocol, host, port) * @param {string} url * @return {string} */ function pathFromUrl (url) { if (!url) { return ''; } let path; ({ url } = splitUrl(url)); if (url.indexOf('file://') === 0) { // eslint-disable-next-line prefer-regex-literals path = url.replace(new RegExp('^file://(localhost)?'), ''); } else { // http : // hostname :8080 / // eslint-disable-next-line prefer-regex-literals path = url.replace(new RegExp('^([^:]+:)?//([^:/]+)(:\\d*)?/'), '/'); } // decodeURI has special handling of stuff like semicolons, so use decodeURIComponent return decodeURIComponent(path); } /** * Get number of matching path segments * @param {string} left * @param {string} right * @return {int} */ function numberOfMatchingSegments (left, right) { // get rid of leading slashes and normalize to lower case left = left.replace(/^\/+/, '').toLowerCase(); right = right.replace(/^\/+/, '').toLowerCase(); if (left === right) { return 10000; } const comps1 = left.split(/\/|\\/).reverse(); const comps2 = right.split(/\/|\\/).reverse(); const len = Math.min(comps1.length, comps2.length); let eqCount = 0; while ((eqCount < len) && (comps1[eqCount] === comps2[eqCount])) { ++eqCount; } return eqCount; } /** * Pick best matching path from a collection * @param {string} path Path to match * @param {array} objects Collection of paths * @param {function} [pathFunc] Transform applied to each item in collection * @return {object} */ function pickBestMatch (path, objects, pathFunc = s => s) { let score; let bestMatch = { score: 0 }; for (const object of objects) { score = numberOfMatchingSegments(path, pathFunc(object)); if (score > bestMatch.score) { bestMatch = { object, score }; } } if (bestMatch.score === 0) { return null; } return bestMatch; } /** * Test if paths match * @param {string} left * @param {string} right * @return {bool} */ function pathsMatch (left, right) { return numberOfMatchingSegments(left, right) > 0; } const IMAGE_STYLES = [ { selector: 'background', styleNames: ['backgroundImage'] }, { selector: 'border', styleNames: ['borderImage', 'webkitBorderImage', 'MozBorderImage'] } ]; const DEFAULT_OPTIONS = { stylesheetReloadTimeout: 15000 }; class Reloader { constructor (window, console, Timer) { this.window = window; this.console = console; this.Timer = Timer; this.document = this.window.document; this.importCacheWaitPeriod = 200; this.plugins = []; } addPlugin (plugin) { return this.plugins.push(plugin); } analyze (callback) { } reload (path, options = {}) { this.options = { ...DEFAULT_OPTIONS, ...options }; // avoid passing it through all the funcs if (this.options.pluginOrder && this.options.pluginOrder.length) { this.runPluginsByOrder(path, options); return; } for (const plugin of Array.from(this.plugins)) { if (plugin.reload && plugin.reload(path, options)) { return; } } if (options.liveCSS && path.match(/\.css(?:\.map)?$/i)) { if (this.reloadStylesheet(path)) { return; } } if (options.liveImg && path.match(/\.(jpe?g|png|gif)$/i)) { this.reloadImages(path); return; } if (options.isChromeExtension) { this.reloadChromeExtension(); return; } return this.reloadPage(); } runPluginsByOrder (path, options) { options.pluginOrder.some(pluginId => { if (pluginId === 'css') { if (options.liveCSS && path.match(/\.css(?:\.map)?$/i)) { if (this.reloadStylesheet(path)) { return true; } } } if (pluginId === 'img') { if (options.liveImg && path.match(/\.(jpe?g|png|gif)$/i)) { this.reloadImages(path); return true; } } if (pluginId === 'extension') { if (options.isChromeExtension) { this.reloadChromeExtension(); return true; } } if (pluginId === 'others') { this.reloadPage(); return true; } if (pluginId === 'external') { return this.plugins.some( plugin => plugin.reload && plugin.reload(path, options) ); } return this.plugins.filter(plugin => plugin.constructor.identifier === pluginId) .some(plugin => plugin.reload && plugin.reload(path, options)); }); } reloadPage () { return this.window.document.location.reload(); } reloadChromeExtension () { return this.window.chrome.runtime.reload(); } reloadImages (path) { let img; const expando = this.generateUniqueString(); for (img of Array.from(this.document.images)) { if (pathsMatch(path, pathFromUrl(img.src))) { img.src = this.generateCacheBustUrl(img.src, expando); } } if (this.document.querySelectorAll) { for (const { selector, styleNames } of IMAGE_STYLES) { for (img of Array.from(this.document.querySelectorAll(`[style*=${selector}]`))) { this.reloadStyleImages(img.style, styleNames, path, expando); } } } if (this.document.styleSheets) { return Array.from(this.document.styleSheets).map(styleSheet => this.reloadStylesheetImages(styleSheet, path, expando) ); } } reloadStylesheetImages (styleSheet, path, expando) { let rules; try { rules = (styleSheet || {}).cssRules; } catch (e) {} if (!rules) { return; } for (const rule of Array.from(rules)) { switch (rule.type) { case CSSRule.IMPORT_RULE: this.reloadStylesheetImages(rule.styleSheet, path, expando); break; case CSSRule.STYLE_RULE: for (const { styleNames } of IMAGE_STYLES) { this.reloadStyleImages(rule.style, styleNames, path, expando); } break; case CSSRule.MEDIA_RULE: this.reloadStylesheetImages(rule, path, expando); break; } } } reloadStyleImages (style, styleNames, path, expando) { for (const styleName of styleNames) { const value = style[styleName]; if (typeof value === 'string') { // eslint-disable-next-line prefer-regex-literals const newValue = value.replace(new RegExp('\\burl\\s*\\(([^)]*)\\)'), (match, src) => { if (pathsMatch(path, pathFromUrl(src))) { return `url(${this.generateCacheBustUrl(src, expando)})`; } return match; }); if (newValue !== value) { style[styleName] = newValue; } } } } reloadStylesheet (path) { const options = this.options || DEFAULT_OPTIONS; // has to be a real array, because DOMNodeList will be modified let style; let link; const links = ((() => { const result = []; for (link of Array.from(this.document.getElementsByTagName('link'))) { if (link.rel.match(/^stylesheet$/i) && !link.__LiveReload_pendingRemoval) { result.push(link); } } return result; })()); // find all imported stylesheets const imported = []; for (style of Array.from(this.document.getElementsByTagName('style'))) { if (style.sheet) { this.collectImportedStylesheets(style, style.sheet, imported); } } for (link of Array.from(links)) { this.collectImportedStylesheets(link, link.sheet, imported); } // handle prefixfree if (this.window.StyleFix && this.document.querySelectorAll) { for (style of Array.from(this.document.querySelectorAll('style[data-href]'))) { links.push(style); } } this.console.log(`LiveReload found ${links.length} LINKed stylesheets, ${imported.length} @imported stylesheets`); const match = pickBestMatch( path, links.concat(imported), link => pathFromUrl(this.linkHref(link)) ); if (match) { if (match.object.rule) { this.console.log(`LiveReload is reloading imported stylesheet: ${match.object.href}`); this.reattachImportedRule(match.object); } else { this.console.log(`LiveReload is reloading stylesheet: ${this.linkHref(match.object)}`); this.reattachStylesheetLink(match.object); } } else { if (options.reloadMissingCSS) { this.console.log(`LiveReload will reload all stylesheets because path '${path}' did not match any specific one. \ To disable this behavior, set 'options.reloadMissingCSS' to 'false'.` ); for (link of Array.from(links)) { this.reattachStylesheetLink(link); } } else { this.console.log(`LiveReload will not reload path '${path}' because the stylesheet was not found on the page \ and 'options.reloadMissingCSS' was set to 'false'.` ); } } return true; } collectImportedStylesheets (link, styleSheet, result) { // in WebKit, styleSheet.cssRules is null for inaccessible stylesheets; // Firefox/Opera may throw exceptions let rules; try { rules = (styleSheet || {}).cssRules; } catch (e) {} if (rules && rules.length) { for (let index = 0; index < rules.length; index++) { const rule = rules[index]; switch (rule.type) { case CSSRule.CHARSET_RULE: continue; // do nothing case CSSRule.IMPORT_RULE: result.push({ link, rule, index, href: rule.href }); this.collectImportedStylesheets(link, rule.styleSheet, result); break; default: break; // import rules can only be preceded by charset rules } } } } waitUntilCssLoads (clone, func) { const options = this.options || DEFAULT_OPTIONS; let callbackExecuted = false; const executeCallback = () => { if (callbackExecuted) { return; } callbackExecuted = true; return func(); }; // supported by Chrome 19+, Safari 5.2+, Firefox 9+, Opera 9+, IE6+ // http://www.zachleat.com/web/load-css-dynamically/ // http://pieisgood.org/test/script-link-events/ clone.onload = () => { this.console.log('LiveReload: the new stylesheet has finished loading'); this.knownToSupportCssOnLoad = true; return executeCallback(); }; if (!this.knownToSupportCssOnLoad) { // polling let poll; (poll = () => { if (clone.sheet) { this.console.log('LiveReload is polling until the new CSS finishes loading...'); return executeCallback(); } return this.Timer.start(50, poll); })(); } // fail safe return this.Timer.start(options.stylesheetReloadTimeout, executeCallback); } linkHref (link) { // prefixfree uses data-href when it turns LINK into STYLE return link.href || (link.getAttribute && link.getAttribute('data-href')); } reattachStylesheetLink (link) { // ignore LINKs that will be removed by LR soon let clone; if (link.__LiveReload_pendingRemoval) { return; } link.__LiveReload_pendingRemoval = true; if (link.tagName === 'STYLE') { // prefixfree clone = this.document.createElement('link'); clone.rel = 'stylesheet'; clone.media = link.media; clone.disabled = link.disabled; } else { clone = link.cloneNode(false); } clone.href = this.generateCacheBustUrl(this.linkHref(link)); // insert the new LINK before the old one const parent = link.parentNode; if (parent.lastChild === link) { parent.appendChild(clone); } else { parent.insertBefore(clone, link.nextSibling); } return this.waitUntilCssLoads(clone, () => { let additionalWaitingTime; if (/AppleWebKit/.test(this.window.navigator.userAgent)) { additionalWaitingTime = 5; } else { additionalWaitingTime = 200; } return this.Timer.start(additionalWaitingTime, () => { if (!link.parentNode) { return; } link.parentNode.removeChild(link); clone.onreadystatechange = null; return (this.window.StyleFix ? this.window.StyleFix.link(clone) : undefined); }); }); // prefixfree } reattachImportedRule ({ rule, index, link }) { const parent = rule.parentStyleSheet; const href = this.generateCacheBustUrl(rule.href); const media = rule.media.length ? [].join.call(rule.media, ', ') : ''; const newRule = `@import url("${href}") ${media};`; // used to detect if reattachImportedRule has been called again on the same rule rule.__LiveReload_newHref = href; // WORKAROUND FOR WEBKIT BUG: WebKit resets all styles if we add @import'ed // stylesheet that hasn't been cached yet. Workaround is to pre-cache the // stylesheet by temporarily adding it as a LINK tag. const tempLink = this.document.createElement('link'); tempLink.rel = 'stylesheet'; tempLink.href = href; tempLink.__LiveReload_pendingRemoval = true; // exclude from path matching if (link.parentNode) { link.parentNode.insertBefore(tempLink, link); } // wait for it to load return this.Timer.start(this.importCacheWaitPeriod, () => { if (tempLink.parentNode) { tempLink.parentNode.removeChild(tempLink); } // if another reattachImportedRule call is in progress, abandon this one if (rule.__LiveReload_newHref !== href) { return; } parent.insertRule(newRule, index); parent.deleteRule(index + 1); // save the new rule, so that we can detect another reattachImportedRule call rule = parent.cssRules[index]; rule.__LiveReload_newHref = href; // repeat again for good measure return this.Timer.start(this.importCacheWaitPeriod, () => { // if another reattachImportedRule call is in progress, abandon this one if (rule.__LiveReload_newHref !== href) { return; } parent.insertRule(newRule, index); return parent.deleteRule(index + 1); }); }); } generateUniqueString () { return `livereload=${Date.now()}`; } generateCacheBustUrl (url, expando) { const options = this.options || DEFAULT_OPTIONS; let hash, oldParams; if (!expando) { expando = this.generateUniqueString(); } ({ url, hash, params: oldParams } = splitUrl(url)); if (options.overrideURL) { if (url.indexOf(options.serverURL) < 0) { const originalUrl = url; url = options.serverURL + options.overrideURL + '?url=' + encodeURIComponent(url); this.console.log(`LiveReload is overriding source URL ${originalUrl} with ${url}`); } } let params = oldParams.replace(/(\?|&)livereload=(\d+)/, (match, sep) => `${sep}${expando}`); if (params === oldParams) { if (oldParams.length === 0) { params = `?${expando}`; } else { params = `${oldParams}&${expando}`; } } return url + params + hash; } }; exports.splitUrl = splitUrl; exports.pathFromUrl = pathFromUrl; exports.numberOfMatchingSegments = numberOfMatchingSegments; exports.pickBestMatch = pickBestMatch; exports.pathsMatch = pathsMatch; exports.Reloader = Reloader;