'use strict'; var sliceAnsi = require('slice-ansi'); var stringWidth = require('string-width'); module.exports = function (input, columns, options) { options = options || {}; var position = options.position || 'end'; var ellipsis = '…'; if (typeof input !== 'string') { throw new TypeError('Expected `input` to be a string, got ' + typeof input); } if (typeof columns !== 'number') { throw new TypeError('Expected `columns` to be a number, got ' + typeof columns); } if (columns < 1) { return ''; } if (columns === 1) { return ellipsis; } var length = stringWidth(input); if (length <= columns) { return input; } if (position === 'start') { return ellipsis + sliceAnsi(input, length - columns + 1, length); } else if (position === 'middle') { var half = Math.floor(columns / 2); return sliceAnsi(input, 0, half) + ellipsis + sliceAnsi(input, length - (columns - half) + 1, length); } else if (position === 'end') { return sliceAnsi(input, 0, columns - 1) + ellipsis; } throw new Error('Expected `options.position` to be either `start`, `middle` or `end`, got ' + position); };