* Changelog ** 2010 =v1.0.0= initial commit ** 2012 =v1.2.0= ~sys.puts~ -> ~console.log~ ** 2012 =v1.2.1= added version number to exports ** 2012 =v1.2.2= bug fix on missing variable ** 2012 =v1.2.3= added support for multiple params, *bad idea, reverted* ** 2017 =v1.2.4= through =v1.2.6= examples, docs ** Oct 29, 2019 =v1.2.7= no code changes, added typescript definitions ** Jun 29, 2020 =v2.0.0= - Added ~values()~ to retrieve all the flag values at once. #+BEGIN_SRC javascript opts.parse([{ value: true, required: true, short: 'n', long: 'num' }, { short: 'b', long: 'bool' }]) const { n, b } = opts.values() #+END_SRC - Changes the output of the auto-generated help text. 1) Splits and pops `argv[0]` 2) Replaces `pwd` with "." in `argv[1]` #+BEGIN_SRC bash ok@laptop: opts [master]× » node examples/example2.js --help Usage: /home/ok/.nvm/versions/node/v12/bin/node /home/ok/khtdr.com/opts/examples/example2.js [options] Show this help message --help ... #+END_SRC Becomes: #+BEGIN_SRC bash ok@laptop: opts [master]× » node examples/example2.js --help Usage: node ./examples/example2.js [options] Show this help message --help ... #+END_SRC This is a *breaking change* if you are parsing the help text. ** Aug 14, 2020 =v2.0.1= - Bumped the exported version number, having forgotten to in the previous release. NPM requires a new version for a new release. - Moved to org-mode documentation, added a man page #+BEGIN_SRC bash curl -o opts.3 https://raw.githubusercontent.com/khtdr/opts/master/man.3 man ./opts.3 #+END_SRC ** Aug 14, 2020 =v2.0.2= - Restored markdown version of README, for publishing to NPM