import { transformSync } from '@babel/core'; import { INLINE, RUNTIME, EXTERNAL } from './constants.js'; import { addBabelPlugin } from './utils.js'; const MODULE_ERROR = 'Rollup requires that your Babel configuration keeps ES6 module syntax intact. ' + 'Unfortunately it looks like your configuration specifies a module transformer ' + 'to replace ES6 modules with another module format. To continue you have to disable it.' + '\n\n' + "Most commonly it's a CommonJS transform added by @babel/preset-env - " + 'in such case you should disable it by adding `modules: false` option to that preset ' + '(described in more detail here - ).'; const UNEXPECTED_ERROR = 'An unexpected situation arose. Please raise an issue at ' + ' Thanks!'; function fallbackClassTransform() { return { visitor: { ClassDeclaration(path, state) { path.replaceWith(state.file.addHelper('inherits')); }, }, }; } export default function createPreflightCheck() { let preflightCheckResults = {}; return (ctx, options) => { const key = options.filename; if (preflightCheckResults[key] === undefined) { let helpers; const inputCode = 'class Foo extends Bar {};\nexport default Foo;'; const transformed = transformSync(inputCode, options); let check = transformed.code; if (~check.indexOf('class ')) { check = transformSync(inputCode, addBabelPlugin(options, fallbackClassTransform)).code; } if ( !~check.indexOf('export default') && !~check.indexOf('export default Foo') && !~check.indexOf('export { Foo as default }') ) { ctx.error(MODULE_ERROR); } if (check.match(/\/helpers\/(esm\/)?inherits/)) helpers = RUNTIME; else if (~check.indexOf('function _inherits')) helpers = INLINE; else if (~check.indexOf('babelHelpers')) helpers = EXTERNAL; else { ctx.error(UNEXPECTED_ERROR); } preflightCheckResults[key] = helpers; } return preflightCheckResults[key]; }; }