# is-reference Utility for determining whether an AST node is a reference. `foo` is a reference in these cases: ```js console.log( foo ); var foo; function foo () {} function bar ( foo ) {} export { foo as x }; ``` `foo` is *not* a reference in these cases: ```js var obj = { foo: 1 }; console.log( obj.foo ); export { x as foo }; ``` In all cases, `foo` is an `Identifier` node, but the two kinds must be treated differently for the purposes of scope analysis etc. (The examples are non-exhaustive.) ## Installation ```bash npm install is-reference ``` ## Usage Example using [Acorn](https://github.com/ternjs/acorn) and [estree-walker](https://github.com/Rich-Harris/estree-walker): ```js const { parse } = require( 'acorn' ); const { walk } = require( 'estree-walker' ); const isReference = require( 'is-reference' ); const identifiers = []; const references = []; const ast = parse( `var a = b.c;` ); walk( ast, { enter ( node, parent ) { if ( node.type === 'Identifier' ) identifiers.push( node ); if ( isReference( node, parent ) ) references.push( node ); } }); identifiers.forEach( node => console.log( node.name ) ); // a, b, c references.forEach( node => console.log( node.name ) ); // a, b ``` ## License MIT