"use strict"; exports.__esModule = true; exports.getLocalName = getLocalName; exports.hasAnyConcreteRoles = hasAnyConcreteRoles; exports.isElement = isElement; exports.isHTMLFieldSetElement = isHTMLFieldSetElement; exports.isHTMLInputElement = isHTMLInputElement; exports.isHTMLLegendElement = isHTMLLegendElement; exports.isHTMLOptGroupElement = isHTMLOptGroupElement; exports.isHTMLSelectElement = isHTMLSelectElement; exports.isHTMLSlotElement = isHTMLSlotElement; exports.isHTMLTableCaptionElement = isHTMLTableCaptionElement; exports.isHTMLTableElement = isHTMLTableElement; exports.isHTMLTextAreaElement = isHTMLTextAreaElement; exports.isSVGElement = isSVGElement; exports.isSVGSVGElement = isSVGSVGElement; exports.isSVGTitleElement = isSVGTitleElement; exports.queryIdRefs = queryIdRefs; exports.safeWindow = safeWindow; var _getRole = _interopRequireDefault(require("./getRole")); function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; } /** * Safe Element.localName for all supported environments * @param element */ function getLocalName(element) { var _element$localName; return (// eslint-disable-next-line no-restricted-properties -- actual guard for environments without localName (_element$localName = element.localName) !== null && _element$localName !== void 0 ? _element$localName : // eslint-disable-next-line no-restricted-properties -- required for the fallback element.tagName.toLowerCase() ); } function isElement(node) { return node !== null && node.nodeType === node.ELEMENT_NODE; } function isHTMLTableCaptionElement(node) { return isElement(node) && getLocalName(node) === "caption"; } function isHTMLInputElement(node) { return isElement(node) && getLocalName(node) === "input"; } function isHTMLOptGroupElement(node) { return isElement(node) && getLocalName(node) === "optgroup"; } function isHTMLSelectElement(node) { return isElement(node) && getLocalName(node) === "select"; } function isHTMLTableElement(node) { return isElement(node) && getLocalName(node) === "table"; } function isHTMLTextAreaElement(node) { return isElement(node) && getLocalName(node) === "textarea"; } function safeWindow(node) { var _ref = node.ownerDocument === null ? node : node.ownerDocument, defaultView = _ref.defaultView; if (defaultView === null) { throw new TypeError("no window available"); } return defaultView; } function isHTMLFieldSetElement(node) { return isElement(node) && getLocalName(node) === "fieldset"; } function isHTMLLegendElement(node) { return isElement(node) && getLocalName(node) === "legend"; } function isHTMLSlotElement(node) { return isElement(node) && getLocalName(node) === "slot"; } function isSVGElement(node) { return isElement(node) && node.ownerSVGElement !== undefined; } function isSVGSVGElement(node) { return isElement(node) && getLocalName(node) === "svg"; } function isSVGTitleElement(node) { return isSVGElement(node) && getLocalName(node) === "title"; } /** * * @param {Node} node - * @param {string} attributeName - * @returns {Element[]} - */ function queryIdRefs(node, attributeName) { if (isElement(node) && node.hasAttribute(attributeName)) { // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion -- safe due to hasAttribute check var ids = node.getAttribute(attributeName).split(" "); return ids.map(function (id) { return node.ownerDocument.getElementById(id); }).filter(function (element) { return element !== null; } // TODO: why does this not narrow? ); } return []; } function hasAnyConcreteRoles(node, roles) { if (isElement(node)) { return roles.indexOf((0, _getRole.default)(node)) !== -1; } return false; } //# sourceMappingURL=util.js.map