var es = require('../') , it = require('it-is') , d = require('ubelt') exports ['gate buffers when shut'] = function (test) { var hundy =,100, , gate = es.pause() , ten = 10 es.connect( es.readArray(hundy), es.log('after readArray'), gate, //es.log('after gate'), (num, next) { //stick a map in here to check that gate never emits when open it(gate.paused).equal(false) console.log('data', num) if(!--ten) { console.log('PAUSE') gate.pause()//.resume() d.delay(gate.resume.bind(gate), 10)() ten = 10 } next(null, num) }), es.writeArray(function (err, array) { //just realized that I should remove the error param. errors will be emitted console.log('eonuhoenuoecbulc') it(array).deepEqual(hundy) test.done() }) ) gate.resume() } require('./helper')(module)