'use strict'; const DeepEqual = require('@hapi/hoek/lib/deepEqual'); const Pinpoint = require('@sideway/pinpoint'); const Errors = require('./errors'); const internals = { codes: { error: 1, pass: 2, full: 3 }, labels: { 0: 'never used', 1: 'always error', 2: 'always pass' } }; exports.setup = function (root) { const trace = function () { root._tracer = root._tracer || new internals.Tracer(); return root._tracer; }; root.trace = trace; root[Symbol.for('@hapi/lab/coverage/initialize')] = trace; root.untrace = () => { root._tracer = null; }; }; exports.location = function (schema) { return schema.$_setFlag('_tracerLocation', Pinpoint.location(2)); // base.tracer(), caller }; internals.Tracer = class { constructor() { this.name = 'Joi'; this._schemas = new Map(); } _register(schema) { const existing = this._schemas.get(schema); if (existing) { return existing.store; } const store = new internals.Store(schema); const { filename, line } = schema._flags._tracerLocation || Pinpoint.location(5); // internals.tracer(), internals.entry(), exports.entry(), validate(), caller this._schemas.set(schema, { filename, line, store }); return store; } _combine(merged, sources) { for (const { store } of this._schemas.values()) { store._combine(merged, sources); } } report(file) { const coverage = []; // Process each registered schema for (const { filename, line, store } of this._schemas.values()) { if (file && file !== filename) { continue; } // Process sub schemas of the registered root const missing = []; const skipped = []; for (const [schema, log] of store._sources.entries()) { // Check if sub schema parent skipped if (internals.sub(log.paths, skipped)) { continue; } // Check if sub schema reached if (!log.entry) { missing.push({ status: 'never reached', paths: [...log.paths] }); skipped.push(...log.paths); continue; } // Check values for (const type of ['valid', 'invalid']) { const set = schema[`_${type}s`]; if (!set) { continue; } const values = new Set(set._values); const refs = new Set(set._refs); for (const { value, ref } of log[type]) { values.delete(value); refs.delete(ref); } if (values.size || refs.size) { missing.push({ status: [...values, ...[...refs].map((ref) => ref.display)], rule: `${type}s` }); } } // Check rules status const rules = schema._rules.map((rule) => rule.name); for (const type of ['default', 'failover']) { if (schema._flags[type] !== undefined) { rules.push(type); } } for (const name of rules) { const status = internals.labels[log.rule[name] || 0]; if (status) { const report = { rule: name, status }; if (log.paths.size) { report.paths = [...log.paths]; } missing.push(report); } } } if (missing.length) { coverage.push({ filename, line, missing, severity: 'error', message: `Schema missing tests for ${missing.map(internals.message).join(', ')}` }); } } return coverage.length ? coverage : null; } }; internals.Store = class { constructor(schema) { this.active = true; this._sources = new Map(); // schema -> { paths, entry, rule, valid, invalid } this._combos = new Map(); // merged -> [sources] this._scan(schema); } debug(state, source, name, result) { state.mainstay.debug && state.mainstay.debug.push({ type: source, name, result, path: state.path }); } entry(schema, state) { internals.debug(state, { type: 'entry' }); this._record(schema, (log) => { log.entry = true; }); } filter(schema, state, source, value) { internals.debug(state, { type: source, ...value }); this._record(schema, (log) => { log[source].add(value); }); } log(schema, state, source, name, result) { internals.debug(state, { type: source, name, result: result === 'full' ? 'pass' : result }); this._record(schema, (log) => { log[source][name] = log[source][name] || 0; log[source][name] |= internals.codes[result]; }); } resolve(state, ref, to) { if (!state.mainstay.debug) { return; } const log = { type: 'resolve', ref: ref.display, to, path: state.path }; state.mainstay.debug.push(log); } value(state, by, from, to, name) { if (!state.mainstay.debug || DeepEqual(from, to)) { return; } const log = { type: 'value', by, from, to, path: state.path }; if (name) { log.name = name; } state.mainstay.debug.push(log); } _record(schema, each) { const log = this._sources.get(schema); if (log) { each(log); return; } const sources = this._combos.get(schema); for (const source of sources) { this._record(source, each); } } _scan(schema, _path) { const path = _path || []; let log = this._sources.get(schema); if (!log) { log = { paths: new Set(), entry: false, rule: {}, valid: new Set(), invalid: new Set() }; this._sources.set(schema, log); } if (path.length) { log.paths.add(path); } const each = (sub, source) => { const subId = internals.id(sub, source); this._scan(sub, path.concat(subId)); }; schema.$_modify({ each, ref: false }); } _combine(merged, sources) { this._combos.set(merged, sources); } }; internals.message = function (item) { const path = item.paths ? Errors.path(item.paths[0]) + (item.rule ? ':' : '') : ''; return `${path}${item.rule || ''} (${item.status})`; }; internals.id = function (schema, { source, name, path, key }) { if (schema._flags.id) { return schema._flags.id; } if (key) { return key; } name = `@${name}`; if (source === 'terms') { return [name, path[Math.min(path.length - 1, 1)]]; } return name; }; internals.sub = function (paths, skipped) { for (const path of paths) { for (const skip of skipped) { if (DeepEqual(path.slice(0, skip.length), skip)) { return true; } } } return false; }; internals.debug = function (state, event) { if (state.mainstay.debug) { event.path = state.debug ? [...state.path, state.debug] : state.path; state.mainstay.debug.push(event); } };