class Options { constructor () { this.https = false; = null; this.port = 35729; this.snipver = null; this.ext = null; this.extver = null; this.mindelay = 1000; this.maxdelay = 60000; this.handshake_timeout = 5000; const pluginOrder = []; Object.defineProperty(this, 'pluginOrder', { get () { return pluginOrder; }, set (v) { pluginOrder.push.apply(pluginOrder, v.split(/[,;]/)); } }); } set (name, value) { if (typeof value === 'undefined') { return; } if (!isNaN(+value)) { value = +value; } this[name] = value; } } Options.extract = function (document) { for (const element of Array.from(document.getElementsByTagName('script'))) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-var var m; // eslint-disable-next-line no-var var mm; const src = element.src; const srcAttr = element.getAttribute('src'); const lrUrlRegexp = /^([^:]+:\/\/([^/:]+)(?::(\d+))?\/|\/\/|\/)?([^/].*\/)?z?livereload\.js(?:\?(.*))?$/; // ^proto:// ^host ^port ^// ^/ ^folder const lrUrlRegexpAttr = /^(?:(?:([^:/]+)?:?)\/{0,2})([^:]+)(?::(\d+))?/; // ^proto ^host/folder ^port if ((m = src.match(lrUrlRegexp)) && (mm = srcAttr.match(lrUrlRegexpAttr))) { const [, , host, port, , params] = m; const [, , , portFromAttr] = mm; const options = new Options(); options.https = element.src.indexOf('https') === 0; = host; options.port = port ? parseInt(port, 10) : portFromAttr ? parseInt(portFromAttr, 10) : options.port; if (params) { for (const pair of params.split('&')) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-var var keyAndValue; if ((keyAndValue = pair.split('=')).length > 1) { options.set(keyAndValue[0].replace(/-/g, '_'), keyAndValue.slice(1).join('=')); } } } return options; } } return null; }; exports.Options = Options;