'use strict'; const Assert = require('@hapi/hoek/lib/assert'); const Common = require('./common'); const Ref = require('./ref'); const internals = {}; exports.schema = function (Joi, config, options = {}) { Common.assertOptions(options, ['appendPath', 'override']); try { return internals.schema(Joi, config, options); } catch (err) { if (options.appendPath && err.path !== undefined) { err.message = `${err.message} (${err.path})`; } throw err; } }; internals.schema = function (Joi, config, options) { Assert(config !== undefined, 'Invalid undefined schema'); if (Array.isArray(config)) { Assert(config.length, 'Invalid empty array schema'); if (config.length === 1) { config = config[0]; } } const valid = (base, ...values) => { if (options.override !== false) { return base.valid(Joi.override, ...values); } return base.valid(...values); }; if (internals.simple(config)) { return valid(Joi, config); } if (typeof config === 'function') { return Joi.custom(config); } Assert(typeof config === 'object', 'Invalid schema content:', typeof config); if (Common.isResolvable(config)) { return valid(Joi, config); } if (Common.isSchema(config)) { return config; } if (Array.isArray(config)) { for (const item of config) { if (!internals.simple(item)) { return Joi.alternatives().try(...config); } } return valid(Joi, ...config); } if (config instanceof RegExp) { return Joi.string().regex(config); } if (config instanceof Date) { return valid(Joi.date(), config); } Assert(Object.getPrototypeOf(config) === Object.getPrototypeOf({}), 'Schema can only contain plain objects'); return Joi.object().keys(config); }; exports.ref = function (id, options) { return Ref.isRef(id) ? id : Ref.create(id, options); }; exports.compile = function (root, schema, options = {}) { Common.assertOptions(options, ['legacy']); // Compiled by any supported version const any = schema && schema[Common.symbols.any]; if (any) { Assert(options.legacy || any.version === Common.version, 'Cannot mix different versions of joi schemas:', any.version, Common.version); return schema; } // Uncompiled root if (typeof schema !== 'object' || !options.legacy) { return exports.schema(root, schema, { appendPath: true }); // Will error if schema contains other versions } // Scan schema for compiled parts const compiler = internals.walk(schema); if (!compiler) { return exports.schema(root, schema, { appendPath: true }); } return compiler.compile(compiler.root, schema); }; internals.walk = function (schema) { if (typeof schema !== 'object') { return null; } if (Array.isArray(schema)) { for (const item of schema) { const compiler = internals.walk(item); if (compiler) { return compiler; } } return null; } const any = schema[Common.symbols.any]; if (any) { return { root: schema[any.root], compile: any.compile }; } Assert(Object.getPrototypeOf(schema) === Object.getPrototypeOf({}), 'Schema can only contain plain objects'); for (const key in schema) { const compiler = internals.walk(schema[key]); if (compiler) { return compiler; } } return null; }; internals.simple = function (value) { return value === null || ['boolean', 'string', 'number'].includes(typeof value); }; exports.when = function (schema, condition, options) { if (options === undefined) { Assert(condition && typeof condition === 'object', 'Missing options'); options = condition; condition = Ref.create('.'); } if (Array.isArray(options)) { options = { switch: options }; } Common.assertOptions(options, ['is', 'not', 'then', 'otherwise', 'switch', 'break']); // Schema condition if (Common.isSchema(condition)) { Assert(options.is === undefined, '"is" can not be used with a schema condition'); Assert(options.not === undefined, '"not" can not be used with a schema condition'); Assert(options.switch === undefined, '"switch" can not be used with a schema condition'); return internals.condition(schema, { is: condition, then: options.then, otherwise: options.otherwise, break: options.break }); } // Single condition Assert(Ref.isRef(condition) || typeof condition === 'string', 'Invalid condition:', condition); Assert(options.not === undefined || options.is === undefined, 'Cannot combine "is" with "not"'); if (options.switch === undefined) { let rule = options; if (options.not !== undefined) { rule = { is: options.not, then: options.otherwise, otherwise: options.then, break: options.break }; } let is = rule.is !== undefined ? schema.$_compile(rule.is) : schema.$_root.invalid(null, false, 0, '').required(); Assert(rule.then !== undefined || rule.otherwise !== undefined, 'options must have at least one of "then", "otherwise", or "switch"'); Assert(rule.break === undefined || rule.then === undefined || rule.otherwise === undefined, 'Cannot specify then, otherwise, and break all together'); if (options.is !== undefined && !Ref.isRef(options.is) && !Common.isSchema(options.is)) { is = is.required(); // Only apply required if this wasn't already a schema or a ref } return internals.condition(schema, { ref: exports.ref(condition), is, then: rule.then, otherwise: rule.otherwise, break: rule.break }); } // Switch statement Assert(Array.isArray(options.switch), '"switch" must be an array'); Assert(options.is === undefined, 'Cannot combine "switch" with "is"'); Assert(options.not === undefined, 'Cannot combine "switch" with "not"'); Assert(options.then === undefined, 'Cannot combine "switch" with "then"'); const rule = { ref: exports.ref(condition), switch: [], break: options.break }; for (let i = 0; i < options.switch.length; ++i) { const test = options.switch[i]; const last = i === options.switch.length - 1; Common.assertOptions(test, last ? ['is', 'then', 'otherwise'] : ['is', 'then']); Assert(test.is !== undefined, 'Switch statement missing "is"'); Assert(test.then !== undefined, 'Switch statement missing "then"'); const item = { is: schema.$_compile(test.is), then: schema.$_compile(test.then) }; if (!Ref.isRef(test.is) && !Common.isSchema(test.is)) { item.is = item.is.required(); // Only apply required if this wasn't already a schema or a ref } if (last) { Assert(options.otherwise === undefined || test.otherwise === undefined, 'Cannot specify "otherwise" inside and outside a "switch"'); const otherwise = options.otherwise !== undefined ? options.otherwise : test.otherwise; if (otherwise !== undefined) { Assert(rule.break === undefined, 'Cannot specify both otherwise and break'); item.otherwise = schema.$_compile(otherwise); } } rule.switch.push(item); } return rule; }; internals.condition = function (schema, condition) { for (const key of ['then', 'otherwise']) { if (condition[key] === undefined) { delete condition[key]; } else { condition[key] = schema.$_compile(condition[key]); } } return condition; };