livereload = require '../lib/livereload' should = require 'should' request = require 'request' http = require 'http' url = require 'url' fs = require 'fs' path = require 'path' WebSocket = require 'ws' sinon = require 'sinon' describe 'livereload config', -> it 'should remove default exts when provided new exts', (done) -> server = livereload.createServer({ port: 35729, exts: ["html"]}, -> server.close() done() ) server.config.exts.should.eql(["html"]) it 'should incldue default exts when provided extraExts', (done) -> server = livereload.createServer({ port: 35729, extraExts: ["foobar"]}, -> server.close() done() ) extensionsList = [ 'foobar', 'html', 'css', 'js', 'png', 'gif', 'jpg', 'php', 'php5', 'py', 'rb', 'erb', 'coffee' ] server.config.exts.should.eql(extensionsList) it 'extraExts must override exts if both are given', (done) -> server = livereload.createServer({ port: 35729, exts: ["md"], extraExts: ["foobar"]}, -> server.close() done() ) extensionsList = [ 'foobar', 'html', 'css', 'js', 'png', 'gif', 'jpg', 'php', 'php5', 'py', 'rb', 'erb', 'coffee' ] server.config.exts.should.eql(extensionsList) it 'should support filesToReload', (done) -> server = livereload.createServer({ port: 35729, filesToReload: ["index.html"]}, -> server.close() done() ) server.config.filesToReload.should.eql(["index.html"]) describe 'livereload http file serving', -> it 'should serve up livereload.js', (done) -> server = livereload.createServer({port: 35729}) fileContents = fs.readFileSync('./node_modules/livereload-js/dist/livereload.js').toString() request 'http://localhost:35729/livereload.js?snipver=1', (error, response, body) -> should.not.exist error response.statusCode.should.equal 200 fileContents.should.equal body server.config.server.close() done() it 'should connect to the websocket server', (done) -> server = livereload.createServer({port: 35729}) ws = new WebSocket('ws://localhost:35729/livereload') ws.on 'open', () -> data = JSON.stringify { command: 'hello', protocols: [ '', '', ''] } ws.send data ws.on 'message', (data, flags) -> console.log "hello" data.should.equal JSON.stringify { command: 'hello', protocols: [ '', '', '', '', ''], serverName: 'node-livereload' } server.config.server.close() ws.close() done() it 'should allow you to override the internal http server', (done) -> app = http.createServer (req, res) -> if url.parse(req.url).pathname is '/livereload.js' res.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'text/javascript'}) res.end '// nothing to see here' server = livereload.createServer({port: 35729, server: app}) request 'http://localhost:35729/livereload.js?snipver=1', (error, response, body) -> should.not.exist error response.statusCode.should.equal 200 body.should.equal '// nothing to see here' server.config.server.close() done() it 'should allow you to specify ssl certificates to run via https', (done)-> server = livereload.createServer port: 35729 https: cert: fs.readFileSync path.join __dirname, 'ssl/localhost.cert' key: fs.readFileSync path.join __dirname, 'ssl/localhost.key' fileContents = fs.readFileSync('./node_modules/livereload-js/dist/livereload.js').toString() # allow us to use our self-signed cert for testing unsafeRequest = request.defaults strictSSL: false rejectUnauthorized: false unsafeRequest 'https://localhost:35729/livereload.js?snipver=1', (error, response, body) -> should.not.exist error response.statusCode.should.equal 200 fileContents.should.equal body server.config.server.close() done() it 'should support passing a callback to the websocket server', (done) -> server = livereload.createServer {port: 35729}, -> server.config.server.close() done() describe 'livereload server startup', -> server = undefined new_server = undefined beforeEach (done) -> server = livereload.createServer {port: 35729, debug: false} setTimeout(done, 2000) afterEach (done) -> server.close() new_server.close() server = undefined new_server = undefined done() it 'should gracefully handle something running on the same port', (done) -> new_server = livereload.createServer({debug: false, port: 35729}) new_server.on 'error', (err) ->"EADDRINUSE") done() describe 'livereload file watching', -> describe "file watching behavior", -> jsFile = cssFile = specificFile = extraFile = server = refresh = undefined beforeEach (done) -> jsFile = path.join(__dirname, "tmpfile.js") cssFile = path.join(__dirname, "tmpfile.css") specificFile = path.join(__dirname, "tmpfile") extraFile = path.join(__dirname, "tmpfile.ex") fs.writeFileSync(jsFile, "use strict;", "utf-8") fs.writeFileSync(cssFile, "/* some css */") fs.writeFileSync(specificFile, "watch me") # ample time for files to have been written in between tests setTimeout(done, 1000) afterEach (done) -> server.close() server = undefined # ample time for chokidar process to die in between tests setTimeout(done, 1000) after -> fs.unlinkSync(jsFile) fs.unlinkSync(cssFile) fs.unlinkSync(specificFile) fs.unlinkSync(extraFile) describe "with no extensions specified, so defaults are used", -> beforeEach (done) -> server = livereload.createServer({port: 22345}) refresh = sinon.spy(server, "refresh") server.watcher.on('ready', done) it "reloads js file", (done) -> fs.writeFileSync(jsFile, "use strict; var a = 1;", "utf-8") setTimeout(-> done() , 500) it "reloads css file", (done) -> fs.writeFileSync(cssFile, "") setTimeout(-> done() , 500) describe "with default exts overridden", -> beforeEach (done) -> server = livereload.createServer({exts: ["js"], port: 22345}) refresh = sinon.spy(server, "refresh") server.watcher.on('ready', done) it "reloads js file", (done) -> fs.writeFileSync(jsFile, "use strict; var a = 1;", "utf-8") setTimeout(-> done() , 500) it "does not reload css file", (done) -> fs.writeFileSync(cssFile, "") setTimeout(-> done() , 500) describe "with extraexts added", -> beforeEach (done) -> server = livereload.createServer({extraExts: ["ex"], port: 22345}) refresh = sinon.spy(server, "refresh") server.watcher.on('ready', done) it "reloads the ex file", (done) -> fs.writeFileSync(extraFile, "use strict; var a = 1;", "utf-8") setTimeout(-> done() , 500) it "still reloads js file", (done) -> fs.writeFileSync(jsFile, "use strict; var a = 1;", "utf-8") setTimeout(-> done() , 500) describe "with filesToReload specified", -> beforeEach (done) -> server = livereload.createServer({filesToReload: ["tmpfile"], port: 22345}) refresh = sinon.spy(server, "refresh") server.watcher.on('ready', done) it "reloads specific file", (done) -> fs.writeFileSync(specificFile, "testing") setTimeout(-> done() , 500) it "still reloads js file", (done) -> fs.writeFileSync(jsFile, "use strict; var a = 1;", "utf-8") setTimeout(-> done() , 500) # describe "config.delay", -> # tmpFile = tmpFile2 = clock = server = refresh = undefined # beforeEach (done) -> # tmpFile = path.join(__dirname, "tmpfile.js") # tmpFile2 = path.join(__dirname, "tmpfile2.js") # fs.writeFileSync(tmpFile, "use strict;", "utf-8") # fs.writeFileSync(tmpFile2, "use strict;", "utf-8") # # ample time for files to have been written in between tests # setTimeout(done, 1000) # afterEach (done) -> # server.close() # server = undefined # # ample time for chokidar process to die in between tests # setTimeout(done, 1000) # after -> # fs.unlinkSync(tmpFile) # fs.unlinkSync(tmpFile2) # it 'should send a refresh message near immediately if `config.delay` is falsey`', (done) -> # # fs.writeFileSync(tmpFile, "use strict; var a = 1;", "utf-8") # # still called after next tick, but without artificial delay # setTimeout(-> # # done() # , 500) # describe 'when set', -> # beforeEach (done) -> # server = livereload.createServer({delay: 2000, port: 12345}) # refresh = sinon.spy(server, "refresh") # # server.watcher.on('ready', done) # it 'should send a refresh message after `config.delay` milliseconds', (done) -> # # fs.writeFileSync(tmpFile, "use strict; var a = 1;", "utf-8") # # not called yet # setTimeout(-> # # , 1500) # # called after set delay # setTimeout(-> # # done() # , 3000) # it 'should only set the timeout/refresh for files that have been changed', (done) -> # # fs.writeFileSync(tmpFile2, "use strict; var a = 2;", "utf-8") # setTimeout(-> # # done() # , 3000) # describe 'when not set or set to 0', -> # beforeEach (done) -> # server = livereload.createServer({delay: 0, port: 22345}) # refresh = sinon.spy(server, "refresh") # # server.watcher.on('ready', done) # it 'should send a refresh message near immediately if `config.delay` is falsey`', (done) -> # # fs.writeFileSync(tmpFile, "use strict; var a = 1;", "utf-8") # # still called after next tick, but without artificial delay # setTimeout(-> # # done() # , 500) it 'should correctly ignore common exclusions', -> # TODO check it ignores common exclusions it 'should not exclude a dir named git', -> # cf. issue #20