// Copyright 2018 Chia Network Inc // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. #ifndef SRC_CPP_BITS_HPP_ #define SRC_CPP_BITS_HPP_ #include #include #include #include #include #include "./util.hpp" #include "exceptions.hpp" namespace chia { // 64 * 2^16. 2^17 values, each value can store 64 bits. #define kMaxSizeBits 8388608 // A stack vector of length 5, having the functions of std::vector needed for Bits. struct SmallVector { typedef uint16_t size_type; SmallVector() noexcept { count_ = 0; } uint64_t& operator[](const uint16_t index) { return v_[index]; } uint64_t operator[](const uint16_t index) const { return v_[index]; } void push_back(uint64_t value) { v_[count_++] = value; } SmallVector& operator=(const SmallVector& other) { count_ = other.count_; for (size_type i = 0; i < other.count_; i++) v_[i] = other.v_[i]; return (*this); } size_type size() const noexcept { return count_; } void resize(const size_type n) { count_ = n; } private: uint64_t v_[10]; size_type count_; }; // A stack vector of length 1024, having the functions of std::vector needed for Bits. // The max number of Bits that can be stored is 1024 * 64 struct ParkVector { typedef uint32_t size_type; ParkVector() noexcept { count_ = 0; } uint64_t& operator[](const uint32_t index) { return v_[index]; } uint64_t operator[](const uint32_t index) const { return v_[index]; } void push_back(uint64_t value) { v_[count_++] = value; } ParkVector& operator=(const ParkVector& other) { count_ = other.count_; for (size_type i = 0; i < other.count_; i++) v_[i] = other.v_[i]; return (*this); } size_type size() const noexcept { return count_; } private: uint64_t v_[2048]; size_type count_; }; /* * This class represents an array of bits. These are stored in an * array of integers, allowing for efficient bit manipulations. The Bits class provides * utilities to easily work with Bits, adding and slicing them, etc. * The class is a generic one, allowing any type of an array, as long as providing std::vector * methods. We currently use SmallVector (stack-array of length 10), ParkVector (stack-array of * length 2048) and std::vector. Conversion between two BitsGeneric classes of different types * can be done by using += operator, or converting to bytes the first class, then using the bytes * constructor of the second class (should be slower). NOTE: CalculateBucket only accepts a * BitsGeneric, so in order to use that, you have to firstly convert your * BitsGeneric object into a BitsGeneric. */ template class BitsGeneric { public: template friend class BitsGeneric; BitsGeneric() noexcept { this->last_size_ = 0; } // Converts from unit64_t to Bits. If the number of bits of value is smaller than size, adds 0 // bits at the beginning. i.e. Bits(5, 10) = 0000000101 BitsGeneric(uint128_t value, uint32_t size) { if (size > 64) { // std::cout << "SPLITTING BitsGeneric" << std::endl; InitBitsGeneric(value >> 64, size - 64); AppendValue((uint64_t)value, 64); } else { InitBitsGeneric((uint64_t)value, size); } } // Converts from unit64_t to Bits. If the number of bits of value is smaller than size, adds 0 // bits at the beginning. i.e. Bits(5, 10) = 0000000101 void InitBitsGeneric(uint64_t value, uint32_t size) { this->last_size_ = 0; if (size > 64) { // Get number of extra 0s added at the beginning. uint32_t zeros = size - Util::GetSizeBits(value); // Add a full group of 0s (length 64) while (zeros > 64) { AppendValue(0, 64); zeros -= 64; } // Add the incomplete group of 0s and then the value. AppendValue(0, zeros); AppendValue(value, Util::GetSizeBits(value)); } else { /* 'value' must be under 'size' bits. */ assert(size == 64 || value == (value & ((1ULL << size) - 1))); values_.push_back(value); this->last_size_ = size; } } // Copy the content of another Bits object. If the size of the other Bits object is smaller // than 'size', adds 0 bits at the beginning. BitsGeneric(const BitsGeneric& other, uint32_t size) { uint32_t total_size = other.GetSize(); this->last_size_ = 0; assert(size >= total_size); // Add the extra 0 bits at the beginning. uint32_t extra_space = size - total_size; while (extra_space >= 64) { AppendValue(0, 64); extra_space -= 64; } if (extra_space > 0) AppendValue(0, extra_space); // Copy the Bits object element by element, and append it to the current Bits object. if (other.values_.size() > 0) { for (uint32_t i = 0; i < other.values_.size() - 1; i++) AppendValue(other.values_[i], 64); AppendValue(other.values_[other.values_.size() - 1], other.last_size_); } } // Converts bytes to bits. BitsGeneric(const uint8_t* big_endian_bytes, uint32_t num_bytes, uint32_t size_bits) { this->last_size_ = 0; uint32_t extra_space = size_bits - num_bytes * 8; while (extra_space >= 64) { AppendValue(0, 64); extra_space -= 64; } if (extra_space > 0) { AppendValue(0, extra_space); } for (uint32_t i = 0; i < num_bytes; i += sizeof(uint64_t) / sizeof(uint8_t)) { uint64_t val = 0; uint8_t bucket_size = 0; // Compress bytes together into uint64_t, either until we have 64 bits, or until we run // out of bytes in big_endian_bytes. for (uint32_t j = i; j < i + sizeof(uint64_t) / sizeof(uint8_t) && j < num_bytes; j++) { val = (val << 8) + big_endian_bytes[j]; bucket_size += 8; } AppendValue(val, bucket_size); } } BitsGeneric(const BitsGeneric& other) noexcept : values_(other.values_), last_size_(other.last_size_) { } BitsGeneric& operator=(const BitsGeneric& other) { values_ = other.values_; last_size_ = other.last_size_; return *this; } // Concatenates two Bits objects together. BitsGeneric operator+(const BitsGeneric& b) const { BitsGeneric result = *this; if (b.values_.size() > 0) { for (typename T::size_type i = 0; i < b.values_.size() - 1; i++) result.AppendValue(b.values_[i], 64); result.AppendValue(b.values_[b.values_.size() - 1], b.last_size_); } return result; } // Appends one Bits object at the end of the first one. template BitsGeneric& operator+=(const BitsGeneric& b) { if (b.values_.size() > 0) { for (typename T2::size_type i = 0; i < b.values_.size() - 1; i++) this->AppendValue(b.values_[i], 64); this->AppendValue(b.values_[b.values_.size() - 1], b.last_size_); } return *this; } BitsGeneric Slice(uint32_t start_index) const { return Slice(start_index, GetSize()); } // Slices the bits from [start_index, end_index) BitsGeneric Slice(uint32_t start_index, uint32_t end_index) const { if (end_index > GetSize()) { end_index = GetSize(); } if (end_index == start_index) return BitsGeneric(); assert(end_index > start_index); uint32_t start_bucket = start_index / 64; uint32_t end_bucket = end_index / 64; if (start_bucket == end_bucket) { // Positions inside the bucket. start_index = start_index % 64; end_index = end_index % 64; uint8_t bucket_size = ((int)start_bucket == (int)(values_.size() - 1)) ? last_size_ : 64; uint64_t val = values_[start_bucket]; // Cut the prefix [0, start_index) if (start_index != 0) val = val & ((static_cast(1) << (bucket_size - start_index)) - 1); // Cut the suffix after end_index val = val >> (bucket_size - end_index); return BitsGeneric(val, end_index - start_index); } else { BitsGeneric result; uint64_t prefix, suffix; // Get the prefix from the last bucket. SplitNumberByPrefix(values_[start_bucket], 64, start_index % 64, &prefix, &suffix); result.AppendValue(suffix, 64 - start_index % 64); // Append all the in between buckets for (uint32_t i = start_bucket + 1; i < end_bucket; i++) result.AppendValue(values_[i], 64); if (end_index % 64) { uint8_t bucket_size = ((int)end_bucket == (int)(values_.size() - 1)) ? last_size_ : 64; // Get the suffix from the last bucket. SplitNumberByPrefix( values_[end_bucket], bucket_size, end_index % 64, &prefix, &suffix); result.AppendValue(prefix, end_index % 64); } return result; } } // Same as 'Slice', but result fits into an uint64_t. Used for memory optimization. uint64_t SliceBitsToInt(uint32_t start_index, uint32_t end_index) const { /*if (end_index > GetSize()) { end_index = GetSize(); } if (start_index < 0) { start_index = 0; } */ if ((start_index >> 6) == (end_index >> 6)) { uint64_t res = values_[start_index >> 6]; if ((start_index >> 6) == (uint32_t)values_.size() - 1) res = res >> (last_size_ - (end_index & 63)); else res = res >> (64 - (end_index & 63)); res = res & (((uint64_t)1 << ((end_index & 63) - (start_index & 63))) - 1); return res; } else { assert((start_index >> 6) + 1 == (end_index >> 6)); uint64_t prefix, suffix; SplitNumberByPrefix( values_[(start_index >> 6)], 64, start_index & 63, &prefix, &suffix); uint64_t result = suffix; if (end_index % 64) { uint8_t bucket_size = ((end_index >> 6) == (uint32_t)values_.size() - 1) ? last_size_ : 64; SplitNumberByPrefix( values_[(end_index >> 6)], bucket_size, end_index & 63, &prefix, &suffix); result = (result << (end_index & 63)) + prefix; } return result; } } void ToBytes(uint8_t buffer[]) const { int i; uint8_t tmp[8]; // Return if nothing to work on if (!values_.size()) return; for (i = 0; i < (int)values_.size() - 1; i++) { Util::IntToEightBytes(buffer + i * 8, values_[i]); } Util::IntToEightBytes(tmp, values_[i] << (64 - last_size_)); memcpy(buffer + i * 8, tmp, cdiv(last_size_, 8)); } std::string ToString() const { std::string str = ""; for (typename T::size_type i = 0; i < values_.size(); i++) { uint64_t val = values_[i]; typename T::size_type size = (i == values_.size() - 1) ? last_size_ : 64; std::string str_bucket = ""; for (typename T::size_type i = 0; i < size; i++) { if (val % 2) str_bucket = "1" + str_bucket; else str_bucket = "0" + str_bucket; val /= 2; } str += str_bucket; } return str; } uint64_t GetValue() const { if (values_.size() != 1) { std::cout << "Number of 64 bit values is: " << values_.size() << std::endl; std::cout << "Size of bits is: " << GetSize() << std::endl; throw InvalidStateException( "Number doesn't fit into a 64-bit type. " + std::to_string(GetSize())); } return values_[0]; } uint32_t GetSize() const { if (values_.size() == 0) return 0; // Full buckets contain each 64 bits, last one contains only 'last_size_' bits. return ((uint32_t)values_.size() - 1) * 64 + last_size_; } void AppendValue(uint128_t value, uint8_t length) { if (length > 64) { std::cout << "SPLITTING AppendValue" << std::endl; DoAppendValue(value >> 64, length - 64); DoAppendValue((uint64_t)value, 64); } else { DoAppendValue((uint64_t)value, length); } } void DoAppendValue(uint64_t value, uint8_t length) { // The last bucket is full or no bucket yet, create a new one. if (values_.size() == 0 || last_size_ == 64) { values_.push_back(value); last_size_ = length; } else { uint8_t free_bits = 64 - last_size_; if (last_size_ == 0 && length == 64) { // Special case for OSX -O3, as per -fsanitize=undefined // runtime error: shift exponent 64 is too large for 64-bit type 'uint64_t' (aka // 'unsigned long long') values_[values_.size() - 1] = value; last_size_ = length; } else if (length <= free_bits) { // If the value fits into the last bucket, append it all there. values_[values_.size() - 1] = (values_[values_.size() - 1] << length) + value; last_size_ += length; } else { // Otherwise, append the prefix into the last bucket, and create a new bucket for // the suffix. uint64_t prefix, suffix; SplitNumberByPrefix(value, length, free_bits, &prefix, &suffix); values_[values_.size() - 1] = (values_[values_.size() - 1] << free_bits) + prefix; values_.push_back(suffix); last_size_ = length - free_bits; } } } template friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream&, const BitsGeneric&); template friend bool operator==(const BitsGeneric& lhs, const BitsGeneric& rhs); template friend bool operator<(const BitsGeneric& lhs, const BitsGeneric& rhs); template friend bool operator>(const BitsGeneric& lhs, const BitsGeneric& rhs); template friend BitsGeneric operator<<(BitsGeneric lhs, uint32_t shift_amount); template friend BitsGeneric operator>>(BitsGeneric lhs, uint32_t shift_amount); private: static void SplitNumberByPrefix( uint64_t number, uint8_t num_bits, uint8_t prefix_size, uint64_t* prefix, uint64_t* suffix) { assert(num_bits >= prefix_size); if (prefix_size == 0) { *prefix = 0; *suffix = number; return; } uint8_t suffix_size = num_bits - prefix_size; uint64_t mask = (static_cast(1)) << suffix_size; mask--; *suffix = number & mask; *prefix = number >> suffix_size; } T values_; uint8_t last_size_; }; template std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& strm, BitsGeneric const& v) { strm << "b" << v.ToString(); return strm; } template bool operator==(const BitsGeneric& lhs, const BitsGeneric& rhs) { if (lhs.GetSize() != rhs.GetSize()) { return false; } for (uint32_t i = 0; i < lhs.values_.size(); i++) { if (lhs.values_[i] != rhs.values_[i]) { return false; } } return true; } template bool operator<(const BitsGeneric& lhs, const BitsGeneric& rhs) { if (lhs.GetSize() != rhs.GetSize()) throw InvalidStateException("Different sizes!"); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < lhs.values_.size(); i++) { if (lhs.values_[i] < rhs.values_[i]) return true; if (lhs.values_[i] > rhs.values_[i]) return false; } return false; } template bool operator>(const BitsGeneric& lhs, const BitsGeneric& rhs) { if (lhs.GetSize() != rhs.GetSize()) throw InvalidStateException("Different sizes!"); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < lhs.values_.size(); i++) { if (lhs.values_[i] > rhs.values_[i]) return true; if (lhs.values_[i] < rhs.values_[i]) return false; } return false; } template BitsGeneric operator<<(BitsGeneric lhs, uint32_t shift_amount) { if (lhs.GetSize() == 0) { return BitsGeneric(); } BitsGeneric result; // Shifts are cyclic, shifting by the number of bits gives the same number. int num_blocks_shift = static_cast(shift_amount / 64); uint32_t shift_remainder = shift_amount % 64; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < lhs.values_.size(); i++) { uint64_t new_value = 0; if (i + num_blocks_shift < lhs.values_.size()) { new_value += (lhs.values_[i + num_blocks_shift] << shift_remainder); } if (i + num_blocks_shift + 1 < lhs.values_.size()) { new_value += (lhs.values_[i + num_blocks_shift + 1] >> (64 - shift_remainder)); } uint8_t new_length; if (i == (uint32_t)lhs.values_.size() - 1) { new_length = lhs.last_size_; } else { new_length = 64; } result.AppendValue(new_value, new_length); } return result; } template BitsGeneric operator>>(BitsGeneric lhs, uint32_t shift_amount) { if (lhs.GetSize() == 0) { return BitsGeneric(); } BitsGeneric result; int num_blocks_shift = static_cast(shift_amount / 64); uint32_t shift_remainder = shift_amount % 64; for (int i = 0; i < lhs.values_.size(); i++) { uint64_t new_value = 0; if (i - num_blocks_shift >= 0) { new_value += (lhs.values_[i - num_blocks_shift] >> shift_remainder); } if (i - num_blocks_shift - 1 >= 0) { new_value += (lhs.values_[i - num_blocks_shift - 1] << (64 - shift_remainder)); } uint8_t new_length; if (i == lhs.values_.size() - 1) { new_length = lhs.last_size_; } else { new_length = 64; } result.AppendValue(new_value, new_length); } return result; } typedef std::vector LargeVector; using Bits = BitsGeneric; using ParkBits = BitsGeneric; using LargeBits = BitsGeneric; } #endif // SRC_CPP_BITS_HPP_