const path = require('path'); const relative = require('require-relative'); const { createFilter } = require('rollup-pluginutils'); const { compile, preprocess } = require('svelte/compiler'); const PREFIX = '[rollup-plugin-svelte]'; const pkg_export_errors = new Set(); const plugin_options = new Set([ 'emitCss', 'exclude', 'extensions', 'include', 'onwarn', 'preprocess' ]); /** * @param [options] {Partial} * @returns {import('rollup').Plugin} */ module.exports = function (options = {}) { const { compilerOptions={}, } = options; const extensions = rest.extensions || ['.svelte']; const filter = createFilter(rest.include, rest.exclude); compilerOptions.format = 'esm'; for (const key in rest) { if (plugin_options.has(key)) continue; console.warn(`${PREFIX} Unknown "${key}" option. Please use "compilerOptions" for any Svelte compiler configuration.`); } // [filename]:[chunk] const cache_emit = new Map; const { onwarn, emitCss=true } = rest; if (emitCss) { if (compilerOptions.css) { console.warn(`${PREFIX} Forcing \`"compilerOptions.css": false\` because "emitCss" was truthy.`); } compilerOptions.css = false; } return { name: 'svelte', /** * Resolve an import's full filepath. */ resolveId(importee, importer) { if (cache_emit.has(importee)) return importee; if (!importer || importee[0] === '.' || importee[0] === '\0' || path.isAbsolute(importee)) return null; // if this is a bare import, see if there's a valid pkg.svelte const parts = importee.split('/'); let dir, pkg, name = parts.shift(); if (name && name[0] === '@') { name += `/${parts.shift()}`; } try { const file = `${name}/package.json`; const resolved = relative.resolve(file, path.dirname(importer)); dir = path.dirname(resolved); pkg = require(resolved); } catch (err) { if (err.code === 'MODULE_NOT_FOUND') return null; if (err.code === 'ERR_PACKAGE_PATH_NOT_EXPORTED') { pkg_export_errors.add(name); return null; } throw err; } // use pkg.svelte if (parts.length === 0 && pkg.svelte) { return path.resolve(dir, pkg.svelte); } }, /** * Returns CSS contents for a file, if ours */ load(id) { return cache_emit.get(id) || null; }, /** * Transforms a `.svelte` file into a `.js` file. * NOTE: If `emitCss`, append static `import` to virtual CSS file. */ async transform(code, id) { if (!filter(id)) return null; const extension = path.extname(id); if (!~extensions.indexOf(extension)) return null; const dependencies = []; const filename = path.relative(process.cwd(), id); const svelte_options = { ...compilerOptions, filename }; if (rest.preprocess) { const processed = await preprocess(code, rest.preprocess, { filename }); if (processed.dependencies) dependencies.push(...processed.dependencies); if ( svelte_options.sourcemap =; code = processed.code; } const compiled = compile(code, svelte_options); (compiled.warnings || []).forEach(warning => { if (!emitCss && warning.code === 'css-unused-selector') return; if (onwarn) onwarn(warning, this.warn); else this.warn(warning); }); if (emitCss && compiled.css.code) { const fname = id.replace(new RegExp(`\\${extension}$`), '.css'); compiled.js.code += `\nimport ${JSON.stringify(fname)};\n`; cache_emit.set(fname, compiled.css); } if (this.addWatchFile) { dependencies.forEach(this.addWatchFile); } else { compiled.js.dependencies = dependencies; } return compiled.js; }, /** * All resolutions done; display warnings wrt `package.json` access. */ generateBundle() { if (pkg_export_errors.size > 0) { console.warn(`\n${PREFIX} The following packages did not export their \`package.json\` file so we could not check the "svelte" field. If you had difficulties importing svelte components from a package, then please contact the author and ask them to export the package.json file.\n`); console.warn(Array.from(pkg_export_errors, s => `- ${s}`).join('\n') + '\n'); } } }; };