declare namespace Cypress { type FileContents = string | any[] | object type HistoryDirection = "back" | "forward" type HttpMethod = string type RequestBody = string | object type ViewportOrientation = "portrait" | "landscape" type PrevSubject = "optional" | "element" | "document" | "window" type PluginConfig = (on: PluginEvents, config: PluginConfigOptions) => void | ConfigOptions | Promise interface CommandOptions { prevSubject: boolean | PrevSubject | PrevSubject[] } interface ObjectLike { [key: string]: any } interface Auth { username: string password: string } interface Backend { /** * Firefox only: Force Cypress to run garbage collection routines. * No-op if not running in Firefox. * * @see */ (task: 'firefox:force:gc'): Promise } type BrowserName = 'electron' | 'chrome' | 'chromium' | 'firefox' | 'edge' | string type BrowserChannel = 'stable' | 'canary' | 'beta' | 'dev' | 'nightly' | string type BrowserFamily = 'chromium' | 'firefox' /** * Describes a browser Cypress can control */ interface Browser { /** * Short browser name. */ name: BrowserName /** * The underlying engine for this browser. */ family: BrowserFamily /** * The release channel of the browser. */ channel: BrowserChannel /** * Human-readable browser name. */ displayName: string version: string majorVersion: number path: string isHeaded: boolean isHeadless: boolean } interface LocalStorage { /** * Called internally to clear `localStorage` in two situations. * * 1. Before every test, this is called with no argument to clear all keys. * 2. On `cy.clearLocalStorage(keys)` this is called with `keys` as an argument. * * You should not call this method directly to clear `localStorage`; instead, use `cy.clearLocalStorage(key)`. * * @see */ clear: (keys?: string[]) => void } type IsBrowserMatcher = BrowserName | Partial | Array> interface ViewportPosition extends WindowPosition { right: number bottom: number } interface WindowPosition { top: number left: number topCenter: number leftCenter: number } interface ElementPositioning { scrollTop: number scrollLeft: number width: number height: number fromElViewport: ViewportPosition fromElWindow: WindowPosition fromAutWindow: WindowPosition } interface ElementCoordinates { width: number height: number fromElViewport: ViewportPosition & { x: number, y: number } fromElWindow: WindowPosition & { x: number, y: number } fromAutWindow: WindowPosition & { x: number, y: number } } /** * Several libraries are bundled with Cypress by default. * * @see */ interface Cypress { /** * Lodash library * * @see * @example * Cypress._.keys(obj) */ _: _.LoDashStatic /** * jQuery library * * @see$ * @example * Cypress.$('p') */ $: JQueryStatic /** * Cypress automatically includes a Blob library and exposes it as Cypress.Blob. * * @see * @see * @example * Cypress.Blob.method() */ Blob: BlobUtil.BlobUtilStatic /** * Cypress automatically includes minimatch and exposes it as Cypress.minimatch. * * @see */ minimatch: typeof Minimatch.minimatch /** * Cypress automatically includes moment.js and exposes it as Cypress.moment. * * @see * @see * @example * const todaysDate = Cypress.moment().format("MMM DD, YYYY") */ moment: Moment.MomentStatic /** * Cypress automatically includes Bluebird and exposes it as Cypress.Promise. * * @see * @see * @example * new Cypress.Promise((resolve, reject) => { ... }) */ Promise: Bluebird.BluebirdStatic /** * Cypress includes Sinon.js library used in `cy.spy` and `cy.stub`. * * @see * @see * @see */ sinon: sinon.SinonStatic /** * Cypress version string. i.e. "1.1.2" * @see * @example ``` expect(Cypress.version)'string') if (Cypress.version === '1.2.0') { // test something specific } ``` */ version: string /** * OS platform name, from Node `os.platform()` * * @see * @example * Cypress.platform // "darwin" */ platform: string /** * CPU architecture, from Node `os.arch()` * * @see * @example * Cypress.arch // "x64" */ arch: string /** * Currently executing spec file. * @example ``` Cypress.spec // { // name: "", // relative: "cypress/integration/", // absolute: "/users/smith/projects/web/cypress/integration/" // } ``` */ spec: { name: string // "" relative: string // "cypress/integration/" or "__all" if clicked all specs button absolute: string specFilter?: string // optional spec filter used by the user } /** * Information about the browser currently running the tests */ browser: Browser /** * Internal class for LocalStorage management. */ LocalStorage: LocalStorage /** * Fire automation:request event for internal use. */ automation(eventName: string, ...args: any[]): Promise /** * Promise wrapper for certain internal tasks. */ backend: Backend /** * Returns all configuration objects. * @see * @example ``` Cypress.config() // {defaultCommandTimeout: 10000, pageLoadTimeout: 30000, ...} ``` */ config(): ResolvedConfigOptions /** * Returns one configuration value. * @see * @example ``` Cypress.config('pageLoadTimeout') // 60000 ``` */ config(key: K): ResolvedConfigOptions[K] /** * Sets one configuration value. * @see * @example ``` Cypress.config('viewportWidth', 800) ``` */ config(key: K, value: ResolvedConfigOptions[K]): void /** * Sets multiple configuration values at once. * @see * @example ``` Cypress.config({ defaultCommandTimeout: 10000, viewportHeight: 900 }) ``` */ config(Object: ConfigOptions): void // no real way to type without generics /** * Returns all environment variables set with CYPRESS_ prefix or in "env" object in "cypress.json" * * @see */ env(): ObjectLike /** * Returns specific environment variable or undefined * @see * @example * // cypress.json * { "env": { "foo": "bar" } } * Cypress.env("foo") // => bar */ env(key: string): any /** * Set value for a variable. * Any value you change will be permanently changed for the remainder of your tests. * @see * @example * Cypress.env("host", "") */ env(key: string, value: any): void /** * Set values for multiple variables at once. Values are merged with existing values. * @see * @example * Cypress.env({ host: "", foo: "foo" }) */ env(object: ObjectLike): void /** * Firefox only: Get the current number of tests that will run between forced garbage collections. * * Returns undefined if not in Firefox, returns a null or 0 if forced GC is disabled. * * @see */ getFirefoxGcInterval(): number | null | undefined /** * Checks if a variable is a valid instance of `cy` or a `cy` chainable. * * @see * @example * Cypress.isCy(cy) // => true */ isCy(obj: Chainable): obj is Chainable isCy(obj: any): obj is Chainable /** * Returns true if currently running the supplied browser name or matcher object. Also accepts an array of matchers. * @example isBrowser('chrome') will be true for the browser 'chrome:canary' and 'chrome:stable' * @example isBrowser({ name: 'firefox', channel: 'dev' }) will be true only for the browser 'firefox:dev' (Firefox Developer Edition) * @example isBrowser(['firefox', 'edge']) will be true only for the browsers 'firefox' and 'edge' * @example isBrowser('!firefox') will be true for every browser other than 'firefox' * @example isBrowser({ family: '!chromium'}) will be true for every browser not matching { family: 'chromium' } * @param matcher browser name or matcher object to check. */ isBrowser(name: IsBrowserMatcher): boolean /** * Internal options for "cy.log" used in custom commands. * * @see */ log(options: Partial): Log /** * @see */ Commands: { add(name: string, fn: (...args: any[]) => CanReturnChainable): void add(name: string, options: CommandOptions, fn: (...args: any[]) => CanReturnChainable): void overwrite(name: string, fn: (...args: any[]) => CanReturnChainable): void } /** * @see */ Cookies: { debug(enabled: boolean, options?: Partial): void preserveOnce(...names: string[]): void defaults(options: Partial): void } /** * @see */ dom: { /** * Returns a jQuery object obtained by wrapping an object in jQuery. */ wrap(wrappingElement_function: JQuery.Selector | JQuery.htmlString | Element | JQuery | ((index: number) => string | JQuery)): JQuery query(selector: JQuery.Selector, context?: Element | JQuery): JQuery /** * Returns an array of raw elements pulled out from a jQuery object. */ unwrap(obj: any): any /** * Returns a boolean indicating whether an object is a DOM object. */ isDom(obj: any): boolean isType(element: JQuery | HTMLElement , type: string): boolean /** * Returns a boolean indicating whether an element is visible. */ isVisible(element: JQuery | HTMLElement): boolean /** * Returns a boolean indicating whether an element is hidden. */ isHidden(element: JQuery | HTMLElement): boolean /** * Returns a boolean indicating whether an element can receive focus. */ isFocusable(element: JQuery | HTMLElement): boolean isTextLike(element: JQuery | HTMLElement): boolean /** * Returns a boolean indicating whether an element is scrollable. */ isScrollable(element: Window | JQuery | HTMLElement): boolean /** * Returns a boolean indicating whether an element currently has focus. */ isFocused(element: JQuery | HTMLElement): boolean /** * Returns a boolean indicating whether an element is detached from the DOM. */ isDetached(element: JQuery | HTMLElement): boolean /** * Returns a boolean indicating whether an element is attached to the DOM. */ isAttached(element: JQuery | HTMLElement | Window | Document): boolean isSelector(element: JQuery | HTMLElement, selector: JQuery.Selector): boolean /** * Returns a boolean indicating whether an element is a descendent of another element. */ isDescendent(element1: JQuery | HTMLElement, element2: JQuery | HTMLElement): boolean /** * Returns a boolean indicating whether object is undefined or html, body, or document. */ isUndefinedOrHTMLBodyDoc(obj: any): boolean /** * Returns a boolean indicating whether an object is a DOM element. */ isElement(obj: any): boolean /** * Returns a boolean indicating whether a node is of document type. */ isDocument(obj: any): boolean /** * Returns a boolean indicating whether an object is a window object. */ isWindow(obj: any): obj is Window /** * Returns a boolean indicating whether an object is a jQuery object. */ isJquery(obj: any): obj is JQuery isInputType(element: JQuery | HTMLElement, type: string | string[]): boolean stringify(element: JQuery | HTMLElement, form: string): string getElements(element: JQuery): JQuery | HTMLElement[] getContainsSelector(text: string, filter?: string): JQuery.Selector getFirstDeepestElement(elements: HTMLElement[], index?: number): HTMLElement getWindowByElement(element: JQuery | HTMLElement): JQuery | HTMLElement getReasonIsHidden(element: JQuery | HTMLElement): string getFirstScrollableParent(element: JQuery | HTMLElement): JQuery | HTMLElement getFirstFixedOrStickyPositionParent(element: JQuery | HTMLElement): JQuery | HTMLElement getFirstStickyPositionParent(element: JQuery | HTMLElement): JQuery | HTMLElement getCoordsByPosition(left: number, top: number, xPosition?: string, yPosition?: string): number getElementPositioning(element: JQuery | HTMLElement): ElementPositioning getElementAtPointFromViewport(doc: Document, x: number, y: number): Element | null getElementCoordinatesByPosition(element: JQuery | HTMLElement, position: string): ElementCoordinates getElementCoordinatesByPositionRelativeToXY(element: JQuery | HTMLElement, x: number, y: number): ElementPositioning } /** * @see */ Server: { defaults(options: Partial): void } /** * @see */ Screenshot: { defaults(options: Partial): void } /** * These events come from Cypress as it issues commands and reacts to their state. These are all useful to listen to for debugging purposes. * @see */ on: Actions /** * These events come from Cypress as it issues commands and reacts to their state. These are all useful to listen to for debugging purposes. * @see */ once: Actions /** * These events come from Cypress as it issues commands and reacts to their state. These are all useful to listen to for debugging purposes. * @see */ off: Actions } type CanReturnChainable = void | Chainable type ThenReturn = R extends void ? Chainable : R extends R | undefined ? Chainable> : Chainable /** * Chainable interface for non-array Subjects */ interface Chainable { /** * Create an assertion. Assertions are automatically retried until they pass or time out. * * @alias should * @see */ and: Chainer /** * Assign an alias for later use. Reference the alias later within a * [cy.get()]( or * [cy.wait()]( command with a `@` prefix. * You can alias DOM elements, routes, stubs and spies. * * @see * @see * @see * @example ``` // Get the aliased ‘todos’ elements cy.get('ul#todos').as('todos') //...hack hack hack... // later retrieve the todos cy.get('@todos') ``` */ as(alias: string): Chainable /** * Blur a focused element. This element must currently be in focus. * If you want to ensure an element is focused before blurring, * try using .focus() before .blur(). * * @see */ blur(options?: Partial): Chainable /** * Check checkbox(es) or radio(s). This element must be an `` with type `checkbox` or `radio`. * * @see * @example * // Check checkbox element * cy.get('[type="checkbox"]').check() * // Check first radio element * cy.get('[type="radio"]').first().check() */ check(options?: Partial): Chainable /** * Check checkbox(es) or radio(s). This element must be an `` with type `checkbox` or `radio`. * * @see * @example * // Select the radio with the value of ‘US’ * cy.get('[type="radio"]').check('US') * // Check the checkboxes with the values ‘ga’ and ‘ca’ * cy.get('[type="checkbox"]').check(['ga', 'ca']) */ check(value: string | string[], options?: Partial): Chainable /** * Get the children of each DOM element within a set of DOM elements. * * @see */ children(options?: Partial): Chainable> children(selector: K, options?: Partial): Chainable> children(selector: string, options?: Partial): Chainable> /** * Clear the value of an `input` or `textarea`. * An alias for `.type({selectall}{backspace})` * * @see */ clear(options?: Partial): Chainable /** * Clear a specific browser cookie. * Cypress automatically clears all cookies before each test to prevent state from being shared across tests. You shouldn’t need to use this command unless you’re using it to clear a specific cookie inside a single test. * * @see */ clearCookie(name: string, options?: Partial): Chainable /** * Clear all browser cookies. * Cypress automatically clears all cookies before each test to prevent state from being shared across tests. You shouldn’t need to use this command unless you’re using it to clear a specific cookie inside a single test. * * @see */ clearCookies(options?: Partial): Chainable /** * Clear data in local storage. * Cypress automatically runs this command before each test to prevent state from being * shared across tests. You shouldn’t need to use this command unless you’re using it * to clear localStorage inside a single test. Yields `localStorage` object. * * @see * @param {string} [key] - name of a particular item to remove (optional). * @example ``` // Removes all local storage keys cy.clearLocalStorage() .should(ls => { expect(ls.getItem('prop1')) }) // Removes item "todos" cy.clearLocalStorage("todos") ``` */ clearLocalStorage(key?: string): Chainable /** * Clear keys in local storage that match given regular expression. * * @see * @param {RegExp} re - regular expression to match. * @example ``` // Clears all local storage matching /app-/ cy.clearLocalStorage(/app-/) ``` */ clearLocalStorage(re: RegExp): Chainable /** * Clear data in local storage. * Cypress automatically runs this command before each test to prevent state from being * shared across tests. You shouldn’t need to use this command unless you’re using it * to clear localStorage inside a single test. Yields `localStorage` object. * * @see * @param {options} [object] - options object * @example ``` // Removes all local storage items, without logging cy.clearLocalStorage({ log: false }) ``` */ clearLocalStorage(options: Partial): Chainable /** * Clear data in local storage. * Cypress automatically runs this command before each test to prevent state from being * shared across tests. You shouldn’t need to use this command unless you’re using it * to clear localStorage inside a single test. Yields `localStorage` object. * * @see * @param {string} [key] - name of a particular item to remove (optional). * @param {options} [object] - options object * @example ``` // Removes item "todos" without logging cy.clearLocalStorage("todos", { log: false }) ``` */ clearLocalStorage(key: string, options: Partial): Chainable /** * Click a DOM element. * * @see * @example * cy.get('button').click() // Click on button * cy.focused().click() // Click on el with focus * cy.contains('Welcome').click() // Click on first el containing 'Welcome' */ click(options?: Partial): Chainable /** * Click a DOM element at specific corner / side. * * @param {PositionType} position - The position where the click should be issued. * The `center` position is the default position. * @see * @example * cy.get('button').click('topRight') */ click(position: PositionType, options?: Partial): Chainable /** * Click a DOM element at specific coordinates * * @param {number} x The distance in pixels from the element’s left to issue the click. * @param {number} y The distance in pixels from the element’s top to issue the click. * @see * @example ``` // The click below will be issued inside of the element // (15px from the left and 40px from the top). cy.get('button').click(15, 40) ``` */ click(x: number, y: number, options?: Partial): Chainable /** * `cy.clock()` overrides native global functions related to time allowing them to be controlled * synchronously via [cy.tick()]( or the yielded clock object. * This includes controlling: * * `setTimeout` * * `clearTimeout` * * `setInterval` * * `clearInterval` * * `Date` Objects * * The clock starts at the unix epoch (timestamp of 0). * This means that when you instantiate new Date in your application, * it will have a time of January 1st, 1970. * * To restore the real clock call `.restore()` * * @example * cy.clock() * ... * // restore the application clock * cy.clock().then(clock => { * clock.restore() * }) * // or use this shortcut * cy.clock().invoke('restore') * * @see */ clock(): Chainable /** * Mocks global clock and sets current timestamp to the given value. * Overrides all functions that deal with time. * * @see * @example * // in your app code * $('#date').text(new Date().toJSON()) * // in the spec file * // March 14, 2017 timestamp or Date object * const now = new Date(2017, 2, 14).getTime() * cy.clock(now) * cy.visit('/index.html') * cy.get('#date').contains('2017-03-14') * // to restore the real clock * cy.clock().then(clock => { * clock.restore() * }) * // or use this shortcut * cy.clock().invoke('restore') */ clock(now: number|Date, options?: Loggable): Chainable /** * Mocks global clock but only overrides specific functions. * * @see * @example * // keep current date but override "setTimeout" and "clearTimeout" * cy.clock(null, ['setTimeout', 'clearTimeout']) */ clock(now: number|Date, functions?: Array<'setTimeout' | 'clearTimeout' | 'setInterval' | 'clearInterval' | 'Date'>, options?: Loggable): Chainable /** * Mocks global clock and all functions. * * @see * @example * // mock clock but do not log this command * cy.clock({ log: false }) */ clock(options: Loggable): Chainable /** * Get the first DOM element that matches the selector (whether it be itself or one of its ancestors). * * @see */ closest(selector: K, options?: Partial): Chainable> closest(selector: string, options?: Partial): Chainable> /** * Get the DOM element containing the text. * DOM elements can contain more than the desired text and still match. * Additionally, Cypress prefers some DOM elements over the deepest element found. * * @see * @example * // Yield el in .nav containing 'About' * cy.get('.nav').contains('About') * // Yield first el in document containing 'Hello' * cy.contains('Hello') * // you can use regular expression * cy.contains(/^b\w+/) * // yields
* cy.contains('ul', 'apples') * // tries to find the given text for up to 1 second * cy.contains('my text to find', {timeout: 1000}) */ contains(content: string | number | RegExp, options?: Partial): Chainable /** * Get the child DOM element that contains given text. * * @see * @example * // Yield el in .nav containing 'About' * cy.get('.nav').contains('About') */ contains(content: string | number | RegExp): Chainable> /** * Get the DOM element with name "selector" containing the text or regular expression. * * @see * @example * // yields
* cy.contains('ul', 'apples') */ contains(selector: K, text: string | number | RegExp, options?: Partial): Chainable> /** * Get the DOM element using CSS "selector" containing the text or regular expression. * * @see * @example * // yields <... class="foo">... apples ... * cy.contains('.foo', 'apples') */ contains(selector: string, text: string | number | RegExp, options?: Partial): Chainable> /** * Double-click a DOM element. * * @see */ dblclick(options?: Partial): Chainable /** * Double-click a DOM element at specific corner / side. * * @param {PositionType} position - The position where the click should be issued. * The `center` position is the default position. * @see * @example * cy.get('button').dblclick('topRight') */ dblclick(position: PositionType, options?: Partial): Chainable /** * Double-click a DOM element at specific coordinates * * @param {number} x The distance in pixels from the element’s left to issue the click. * @param {number} y The distance in pixels from the element’s top to issue the click. * @see * @example ``` // The click below will be issued inside of the element // (15px from the left and 40px from the top). cy.get('button').dblclick(15, 40) ``` */ dblclick(x: number, y: number, options?: Partial): Chainable /** * Right-click a DOM element. * * @see */ rightclick(options?: Partial): Chainable /** * Right-click a DOM element at specific corner / side. * * @param {PositionType} position - The position where the click should be issued. * The `center` position is the default position. * @see * @example * cy.get('button').rightclick('topRight') */ rightclick(position: PositionType, options?: Partial): Chainable /** * Right-click a DOM element at specific coordinates * * @param {number} x The distance in pixels from the element’s left to issue the click. * @param {number} y The distance in pixels from the element’s top to issue the click. * @see * @example ``` // The click below will be issued inside of the element // (15px from the left and 40px from the top). cy.get('button').rightclick(15, 40) ``` */ rightclick(x: number, y: number, options?: Partial): Chainable /** * Set a debugger and log what the previous command yields. * * @see */ debug(options?: Partial): Chainable /** * Get the window.document of the page that is currently active. * * @see * @example * cy.document() * .its('contentType') * .should('eq', 'text/html') */ document(options?: Partial): Chainable /** * Iterate through an array like structure (arrays or objects with a length property). * * @see */ each(fn: (element: JQuery, index: number, $list: E[]) => void): Chainable> // Can't properly infer type without breaking down Chainable each(fn: (item: any, index: number, $list: any[]) => void): Chainable /** * End a chain of commands * * @see */ end(): Chainable /** * Get A DOM element at a specific index in an array of elements. * * @see * @param {Number} index A number indicating the index to find the element at within an array of elements. A negative number counts index from the end of the list. * @example * cy.get('tbody>tr').eq(0) // Yield first 'tr' in 'tbody' * cy.get('ul>li').eq('4') // Yield fifth 'li' in 'ul' * cy.get('li').eq(-2) // Yields second from last 'li' element */ eq(index: number, options?: Partial): Chainable> /** * Execute a system command. * @see */ exec(command: string, options?: Partial): Chainable /** * Get the DOM elements that match a specific selector. Opposite of `.not()` * * @see */ filter(selector: K, options?: Partial): Chainable> // automatically returns the correct HTMLElement type /** * Get the DOM elements that match a specific selector. Opposite of `.not()` * * @see */ filter(selector: string, options?: Partial): Chainable> /** * Get the DOM elements that match a specific selector. Opposite of `.not()` * * @see */ filter(fn: (index: number, element: E) => boolean, options?: Partial): Chainable> /** * Get the descendent DOM elements of a specific selector. * * @see * @example * cy.get('.article').find('footer') // Yield 'footer' within '.article' */ find(selector: K, options?: Partial): Chainable> /** * Finds the descendent DOM elements with the given selector. * * @see * @example * // Find the li’s within the nav * cy.get('.left-nav>.nav').find('>li') */ find(selector: string, options?: Partial): Chainable> /** * Get the first DOM element within a set of DOM elements. * * @see */ first(options?: Partial): Chainable /** * Load a fixed set of data located in a file. * * @see */ fixture(path: string, options?: Partial): Chainable // no log? /** * Load a fixed set of data located in a file with given encoding. * * @see */ fixture(path: string, encoding: Encodings, options?: Partial): Chainable // no log? /** * Focus on a DOM element. * * @see * @example * cy.get('input').first().focus() // Focus on the first input */ focus(options?: Partial): Chainable /** * Get the DOM element that is currently focused. * * @see * @example * // Get the element that is focused * cy.focused().then(function($el) { * // do something with $el * }) * // Blur the element with focus * cy.focused().blur() * // Make an assertion on the focused element * cy.focused().should('have.attr', 'name', 'username') */ focused(options?: Partial): Chainable /** * Get one or more DOM elements by node name: input, button, etc. * @see * @example * cy.get('input').should('be.disabled') * cy.get('button').should('be.visible') */ get(selector: K, options?: Partial): Chainable> /** * Get one or more DOM elements by selector. * The querying behavior of this command matches exactly how $(…) works in jQuery. * @see * @example * cy.get('.list>li') // Yield the
  • 's in <.list> * cy.get('ul li:first').should('have.class', 'active') * cy.get('.dropdown-menu').click() */ get(selector: string, options?: Partial): Chainable> /** * Get one or more DOM elements by alias. * @see * @example * // Get the aliased ‘todos’ elements * cy.get('ul#todos').as('todos') * //...hack hack hack... * //later retrieve the todos * cy.get('@todos') */ get(alias: string, options?: Partial): Chainable /** * Get a browser cookie by its name. * * @see */ getCookie(name: string, options?: Partial): Chainable /** * Get all of the browser cookies. * * @see */ getCookies(options?: Partial): Chainable /** * Navigate back or forward to the previous or next URL in the browser’s history. * * @see */ go(direction: HistoryDirection | number, options?: Partial): Chainable /** * Get the current URL hash of the page that is currently active. * * @see */ hash(options?: Partial): Chainable /** * Invoke a function on the previously yielded subject. * * @see */ invoke any) & Subject[K], R = ReturnType>( functionName: K, ...args: any[] ): Chainable invoke any) & Subject[K], R = ReturnType>( options: Loggable, functionName: K, ...args: any[] ): Chainable /** * Invoke a function in an array of functions. * @see */ invoke any, Subject extends T[]>(index: number): Chainable> invoke any, Subject extends T[]>(options: Loggable, index: number): Chainable> /** * Invoke a function on the previously yielded subject by a property path. * Property path invocation cannot be strongly-typed. * Invoking by a property path will always result in any. * * @see */ invoke(propertyPath: string, ...args: any[]): Chainable /** * Get a property’s value on the previously yielded subject. * * @see * @example * // Get the 'width' property * cy.wrap({width: '50'}).its('width') * // Drill into nested properties by using dot notation * cy.wrap({foo: {bar: {baz: 1}}}).its('') */ its(propertyName: K, options?: Loggable): Chainable its(propertyPath: string, options?: Loggable): Chainable /** * Get a value by index from an array yielded from the previous command. * @see * @example * cy.wrap(['a', 'b']).its(1).should('equal', 'b') */ its(index: number, options?: Loggable): Chainable /** * Get the last DOM element within a set of DOM elements. * * @see */ last(options?: Partial): Chainable> /** * Get the global `window.location` object of the page that is currently active. * * @see * @example * cy.location() // Get location object */ location(options?: Partial): Chainable /** * Get a part of the global `window.location` object of the page that is currently active. * * @see * @example * cy.location('host') // Get the host of the location object * cy.location('port') // Get the port of the location object * // Assert on the href of the location * cy.location('href').should('contain', '/tag/tutorials') */ location(key: K, options?: Partial): Chainable /** * Print a message to the Cypress Command Log. * * @see */ log(message: string, ...args: any[]): Chainable /** * Get the immediately following sibling of each DOM element within a set of DOM elements. * * @see */ next(selector: K, options?: Partial): Chainable> /** * Get the immediately following sibling of each DOM element within a set of DOM elements. * * @see * @example * cy.get('nav a:first').next() */ next(options?: Partial): Chainable> /** * Get the immediately following sibling of each DOM element within a set of DOM elements that match selector * * @see * @example * cy.get('nav a:first').next('.menu-item) */ next(selector: string, options?: Partial): Chainable> /** * Get all following siblings of each DOM element in a set of matched DOM elements. * * @see */ nextAll(selector: K, options?: Partial): Chainable> /** * Get all following siblings of each DOM element in a set of matched DOM elements. * * @see */ nextAll(options?: Partial): Chainable> /** * Get all following siblings of each DOM element in a set of matched DOM elements. * * @see */ nextAll(selector: string, options?: Partial): Chainable> /** * Get all following siblings of each DOM element in a set of matched DOM elements up to, but not including, the element provided. * * @see */ nextUntil(selector: K, options?: Partial): Chainable> /** * Get all following siblings of each DOM element in a set of matched DOM elements up to, but not including, the element provided. * * @see */ nextUntil(options?: Partial): Chainable> /** * Get all following siblings of each DOM element in a set of matched DOM elements up to, but not including, the element provided. * * @see */ nextUntil(selector: string, options?: Partial): Chainable> /** * Filter DOM element(s) from a set of DOM elements. Opposite of `.filter()` * * @see */ not(selector: string, options?: Partial): Chainable /** * These events come from Cypress as it issues commands and reacts to their state. These are all useful to listen to for debugging purposes. * @see */ on: Actions /** * These events come from Cypress as it issues commands and reacts to their state. These are all useful to listen to for debugging purposes. * @see */ once: Actions /** * These events come from Cypress as it issues commands and reacts to their state. These are all useful to listen to for debugging purposes. * @see */ off: Actions /** * Get the parent DOM element of a set of DOM elements. * * @see */ parent(selector: K, options?: Partial): Chainable> /** * Get the parent DOM element of a set of DOM elements. * * @see */ parent(options?: Partial): Chainable> /** * Get the parent DOM element of a set of DOM elements. * * @see */ parent(selector: string, options?: Partial): Chainable> /** * Get the parent DOM elements of a set of DOM elements. * * @see */ parents(selector: K, options?: Partial): Chainable> /** * Get the parent DOM elements of a set of DOM elements. * * @see */ parents(options?: Partial): Chainable> /** * Get the parent DOM elements of a set of DOM elements. * * @see */ parents(selector: string, options?: Partial): Chainable> /** * Get all ancestors of each DOM element in a set of matched DOM elements up to, but not including, the element provided. * * @see */ parentsUntil(selector: K, filter?: string, options?: Partial): Chainable> /** * Get all ancestors of each DOM element in a set of matched DOM elements up to, but not including, the element provided. * * @see */ parentsUntil(selector: string, filter?: string, options?: Partial): Chainable> /** * Get all ancestors of each DOM element in a set of matched DOM elements up to, but not including, the element provided. * * @see */ parentsUntil(element: E | JQuery, filter?: string, options?: Partial): Chainable> /** * Stop cy commands from running and allow interaction with the application under test. You can then "resume" running all commands or choose to step through the "next" commands from the Command Log. * This does not set a `debugger` in your code, unlike `.debug()` * * @see */ pause(options?: Partial): Chainable /** * Get the immediately preceding sibling of each element in a set of the elements. * * @example * cy.get('nav').prev('a') // Yield previous 'a' * @see */ prev(selector: K, options?: Partial): Chainable> /** * Get the immediately preceding sibling of each element in a set of the elements. * * @example * cy.get('li').prev() // Yield previous 'li' * @see */ prev(options?: Partial): Chainable> /** * Get the immediately preceding sibling of each element in a set of the elements that match selector. * * @example * cy.get('nav').prev('.menu-item') // Yield previous '.menu-item' * @see */ prev(selector: string, options?: Partial): Chainable> /** * Get all previous siblings of each DOM element in a set of matched DOM elements. * > The querying behavior of this command matches exactly how [.prevAll()]( works in jQuery. * * @see */ prevAll(selector: K, options?: Partial): Chainable> /** * Get all previous siblings of each DOM element in a set of matched DOM elements. * > The querying behavior of this command matches exactly how [.prevAll()]( works in jQuery. * * @see */ prevAll(options?: Partial): Chainable> /** * Get all previous siblings of each DOM element in a set of matched DOM elements. * > The querying behavior of this command matches exactly how [.prevAll()]( works in jQuery. * * @see */ prevAll(selector: string, options?: Partial): Chainable> /** * Get all previous siblings of each DOM element in a set of matched DOM elements up to, but not including, the element provided. * > The querying behavior of this command matches exactly how [.prevUntil()]( works in jQuery. * * @see */ prevUntil(selector: K, filter?: string, options?: Partial): Chainable> /** * Get all previous siblings of each DOM element in a set of matched DOM elements up to, but not including, the element provided. * > The querying behavior of this command matches exactly how [.prevUntil()]( works in jQuery. * * @see */ prevUntil(selector: string, filter?: string, options?: Partial): Chainable> /** * Get all previous siblings of each DOM element in a set of matched DOM elements up to, but not including, the element provided. * > The querying behavior of this command matches exactly how [.prevUntil()]( works in jQuery. * * @see */ prevUntil(element: E | JQuery, filter?: string, options?: Partial): Chainable> /** * Read a file and yield its contents. * * @see */ readFile(filePath: string, options?: Partial): Chainable /** * Read a file with given encoding and yield its contents. * * @see * @example * cy.readFile('foo.json', 'utf8') */ readFile(filePath: string, encoding: Encodings, options?: Partial): Chainable /** * Reload the page. * * @see * @example * cy.reload() */ reload(options?: Partial): Chainable /** * Reload the page without cache * * @see * @param {Boolean} forceReload Whether to reload the current page without using the cache. true forces the reload without cache. * @example * // Reload the page without using the cache * cy.visit('http://localhost:3000/admin') * cy.reload(true) */ reload(forceReload: boolean): Chainable /** * Make an HTTP GET request. * * @see * @example * cy.request('http://dev.local/seed') */ request(url: string, body?: RequestBody): Chainable /** * Make an HTTP request with specific method. * * @see * @example * cy.request('POST', 'http://localhost:8888/users', {name: 'Jane'}) */ request(method: HttpMethod, url: string, body?: RequestBody): Chainable /** * Make an HTTP request with specific behavior. * * @see * @example * cy.request({ * url: '/dashboard', * followRedirect: false // turn off following redirects * }) */ request(options: Partial): Chainable /** * Get the root DOM element. * The root element yielded is `` by default. * However, when calling `.root()` from a `.within()` command, * the root element will point to the element you are "within". * * @see */ root(options?: Partial): Chainable> // can't do better typing unless we ignore the `.within()` case /** * Use `cy.route()` to manage the behavior of network requests. * * @see * @example * cy.server() * cy.route('https://localhost:7777/users', [{id: 1, name: 'Pat'}]) */ route(url: string | RegExp, response?: string | object): Chainable /** * Spy or stub request with specific method and url. * * @see * @example * cy.server() * // spy on POST /todos requests * cy.route('POST', '/todos').as('add-todo') */ route(method: string, url: string | RegExp, response?: string | object): Chainable /** * Set a route by returning an object literal from a callback function. * Functions that return a Promise will automatically be awaited. * * @see * @example * cy.server() * cy.route(() => { * // your logic here * // return an appropriate routing object here * return { * method: 'POST', * url: '/comments', * response: this.commentsFixture * } * }) */ route(fn: () => RouteOptions): Chainable /** * Spy or stub a given route. * * @see * @example * cy.server() * cy.route({ * method: 'DELETE', * url: '/users', * status: 412, * delay: 1000 * // and other options, see documentation * }) */ route(options: Partial): Chainable /** * Take a screenshot of the application under test and the Cypress Command Log. * * @see * @example * cy.screenshot() * cy.get(".post").screenshot() */ screenshot(options?: Partial): Chainable /** * Take a screenshot of the application under test and the Cypress Command Log and save under given filename. * * @see * @example * cy.get(".post").screenshot("post-element") */ screenshot(fileName: string, options?: Partial): Chainable /** * Scroll an element into view. * * @see */ scrollIntoView(options?: Partial): Chainable /** * Scroll to a specific position. * * @see */ scrollTo(position: PositionType, options?: Partial): Chainable /** * Scroll to a specific X,Y position. * * @see */ scrollTo(x: number | string, y: number | string, options?: Partial): Chainable /** * Select an `