'use strict' const chalk = require('chalk') const { error, info, warning } = require('log-symbols') const NOT_GIT_REPO = chalk.redBright(`${error} Current directory is not a git directory!`) const FAILED_GET_STAGED_FILES = chalk.redBright(`${error} Failed to get staged files!`) const NO_STAGED_FILES = `${info} No staged files found.` const NO_TASKS = `${info} No staged files match any configured task.` const skippingBackup = (hasInitialCommit) => { const reason = hasInitialCommit ? '`--no-stash` was used' : 'there’s no initial commit yet' return `${warning} ${chalk.yellow(`Skipping backup because ${reason}.\n`)}` } const DEPRECATED_GIT_ADD = `${warning} ${chalk.yellow( `Some of your tasks use \`git add\` command. Please remove it from the config since all modifications made by tasks will be automatically added to the git commit index.` )} ` const TASK_ERROR = 'Skipped because of errors from tasks.' const SKIPPED_GIT_ERROR = 'Skipped because of previous git error.' const GIT_ERROR = `\n ${error} ${chalk.red(`lint-staged failed due to a git error.`)}` const PREVENTED_EMPTY_COMMIT = ` ${warning} ${chalk.yellow(`lint-staged prevented an empty git commit. Use the --allow-empty option to continue, or check your task configuration`)} ` const RESTORE_STASH_EXAMPLE = ` Any lost modifications can be restored from a git stash: > git stash list stash@{0}: automatic lint-staged backup > git stash apply --index stash@{0} ` module.exports = { NOT_GIT_REPO, FAILED_GET_STAGED_FILES, NO_STAGED_FILES, NO_TASKS, skippingBackup, DEPRECATED_GIT_ADD, TASK_ERROR, SKIPPED_GIT_ERROR, GIT_ERROR, PREVENTED_EMPTY_COMMIT, RESTORE_STASH_EXAMPLE, }