const GAP = 4; const __ = ' '; const ALL = '__all__'; const DEF = '__default__'; const NL = '\n'; function format(arr) { if (!arr.length) return ''; let len = maxLen( => x[0]) ) + GAP; let join = a => a[0] + ' '.repeat(len - a[0].length) + a[1] + (a[2] == null ? '' : ` (default ${a[2]})`); return; } function maxLen(arr) { let c=0, d=0, l=0, i=arr.length; if (i) while (i--) { d = arr[i].length; if (d > c) { l = i; c = d; } } return arr[l].length; } function noop(s) { return s; } function section(str, arr, fn) { if (!arr || !arr.length) return ''; let i=0, out=''; out += (NL + __ + str); for (; i < arr.length; i++) { out += (NL + __ + __ + fn(arr[i])); } return out + NL; } = function (bin, tree, key, single) { let out='', cmd=tree[key], pfx=`$ ${bin}`, all=tree[ALL]; let prefix = s => `${pfx} ${s}`.replace(/\s+/g, ' '); // update ALL & CMD options let tail = [['-h, --help', 'Displays this message']]; if (key === DEF) tail.unshift(['-v, --version', 'Displays current version']); cmd.options = (cmd.options || []).concat(all.options, tail); // write options placeholder if (cmd.options.length > 0) cmd.usage += ' [options]'; // description ~> text only; usage ~> prefixed out += section('Description', cmd.describe, noop); out += section('Usage', [cmd.usage], prefix); if (!single && key === DEF) { let key, rgx=/^__/, help='', cmds=[]; // General help :: print all non-(alias|internal) commands & their 1st line of helptext for (key in tree) { if (typeof tree[key] == 'string' || rgx.test(key)) continue; if (cmds.push([key, (tree[key].describe || [''])[0]]) < 3) { help += (NL + __ + __ + `${pfx} ${key} --help`); } } out += section('Available Commands', format(cmds), noop); out += (NL + __ + 'For more info, run any command with the `--help` flag') + help + NL; } else if (!single && key !== DEF) { // Command help :: print its aliases if any out += section('Aliases', cmd.alibi, prefix); } out += section('Options', format(cmd.options), noop); out += section('Examples',, noop); return out; } exports.error = function (bin, str, num=1) { let out = section('ERROR', [str], noop); out += (NL + __ + `Run \`$ ${bin} --help\` for more info.` + NL); console.error(out); process.exit(num); } // Strips leading `-|--` & extra space(s) exports.parse = function (str) { return (str || '').split(/^-{1,2}|,|\s+-{1,2}|\s+/).filter(Boolean); } // @see exports.sentences = function (str) { return (str || '').replace(/([.?!])\s*(?=[A-Z])/g, '$1|').split('|'); }