import { writable } from '../store/index.mjs'; import { now, loop, assign } from '../internal/index.mjs'; import { linear } from '../easing/index.mjs'; function is_date(obj) { return === '[object Date]'; } function tick_spring(ctx, last_value, current_value, target_value) { if (typeof current_value === 'number' || is_date(current_value)) { // @ts-ignore const delta = target_value - current_value; // @ts-ignore const velocity = (current_value - last_value) / (ctx.dt || 1 / 60); // guard div by 0 const spring = ctx.opts.stiffness * delta; const damper = ctx.opts.damping * velocity; const acceleration = (spring - damper) * ctx.inv_mass; const d = (velocity + acceleration) * ctx.dt; if (Math.abs(d) < ctx.opts.precision && Math.abs(delta) < ctx.opts.precision) { return target_value; // settled } else { ctx.settled = false; // signal loop to keep ticking // @ts-ignore return is_date(current_value) ? new Date(current_value.getTime() + d) : current_value + d; } } else if (Array.isArray(current_value)) { // @ts-ignore return, i) => tick_spring(ctx, last_value[i], current_value[i], target_value[i])); } else if (typeof current_value === 'object') { const next_value = {}; for (const k in current_value) { // @ts-ignore next_value[k] = tick_spring(ctx, last_value[k], current_value[k], target_value[k]); } // @ts-ignore return next_value; } else { throw new Error(`Cannot spring ${typeof current_value} values`); } } function spring(value, opts = {}) { const store = writable(value); const { stiffness = 0.15, damping = 0.8, precision = 0.01 } = opts; let last_time; let task; let current_token; let last_value = value; let target_value = value; let inv_mass = 1; let inv_mass_recovery_rate = 0; let cancel_task = false; function set(new_value, opts = {}) { target_value = new_value; const token = current_token = {}; if (value == null || opts.hard || (spring.stiffness >= 1 && spring.damping >= 1)) { cancel_task = true; // cancel any running animation last_time = now(); last_value = new_value; store.set(value = target_value); return Promise.resolve(); } else if (opts.soft) { const rate = opts.soft === true ? .5 : +opts.soft; inv_mass_recovery_rate = 1 / (rate * 60); inv_mass = 0; // infinite mass, unaffected by spring forces } if (!task) { last_time = now(); cancel_task = false; task = loop(now => { if (cancel_task) { cancel_task = false; task = null; return false; } inv_mass = Math.min(inv_mass + inv_mass_recovery_rate, 1); const ctx = { inv_mass, opts: spring, settled: true, dt: (now - last_time) * 60 / 1000 }; const next_value = tick_spring(ctx, last_value, value, target_value); last_time = now; last_value = value; store.set(value = next_value); if (ctx.settled) { task = null; } return !ctx.settled; }); } return new Promise(fulfil => { task.promise.then(() => { if (token === current_token) fulfil(); }); }); } const spring = { set, update: (fn, opts) => set(fn(target_value, value), opts), subscribe: store.subscribe, stiffness, damping, precision }; return spring; } function get_interpolator(a, b) { if (a === b || a !== a) return () => a; const type = typeof a; if (type !== typeof b || Array.isArray(a) !== Array.isArray(b)) { throw new Error('Cannot interpolate values of different type'); } if (Array.isArray(a)) { const arr =, i) => { return get_interpolator(a[i], bi); }); return t => => fn(t)); } if (type === 'object') { if (!a || !b) throw new Error('Object cannot be null'); if (is_date(a) && is_date(b)) { a = a.getTime(); b = b.getTime(); const delta = b - a; return t => new Date(a + t * delta); } const keys = Object.keys(b); const interpolators = {}; keys.forEach(key => { interpolators[key] = get_interpolator(a[key], b[key]); }); return t => { const result = {}; keys.forEach(key => { result[key] = interpolators[key](t); }); return result; }; } if (type === 'number') { const delta = b - a; return t => a + t * delta; } throw new Error(`Cannot interpolate ${type} values`); } function tweened(value, defaults = {}) { const store = writable(value); let task; let target_value = value; function set(new_value, opts) { if (value == null) { store.set(value = new_value); return Promise.resolve(); } target_value = new_value; let previous_task = task; let started = false; let { delay = 0, duration = 400, easing = linear, interpolate = get_interpolator } = assign(assign({}, defaults), opts); if (duration === 0) { if (previous_task) { previous_task.abort(); previous_task = null; } store.set(value = target_value); return Promise.resolve(); } const start = now() + delay; let fn; task = loop(now => { if (now < start) return true; if (!started) { fn = interpolate(value, new_value); if (typeof duration === 'function') duration = duration(value, new_value); started = true; } if (previous_task) { previous_task.abort(); previous_task = null; } const elapsed = now - start; if (elapsed > duration) { store.set(value = new_value); return false; } // @ts-ignore store.set(value = fn(easing(elapsed / duration))); return true; }); return task.promise; } return { set, update: (fn, opts) => set(fn(target_value, value), opts), subscribe: store.subscribe }; } export { spring, tweened };