const errorProps = [ 'description', 'fileName', 'lineNumber', 'endLineNumber', 'message', 'name', 'number', 'stack' ]; function Exception(message, node) { let loc = node && node.loc, line, endLineNumber, column, endColumn; if (loc) { line = loc.start.line; endLineNumber = loc.end.line; column = loc.start.column; endColumn = loc.end.column; message += ' - ' + line + ':' + column; } let tmp =, message); // Unfortunately errors are not enumerable in Chrome (at least), so `for prop in tmp` doesn't work. for (let idx = 0; idx < errorProps.length; idx++) { this[errorProps[idx]] = tmp[errorProps[idx]]; } /* istanbul ignore else */ if (Error.captureStackTrace) { Error.captureStackTrace(this, Exception); } try { if (loc) { this.lineNumber = line; this.endLineNumber = endLineNumber; // Work around issue under safari where we can't directly set the column value /* istanbul ignore next */ if (Object.defineProperty) { Object.defineProperty(this, 'column', { value: column, enumerable: true }); Object.defineProperty(this, 'endColumn', { value: endColumn, enumerable: true }); } else { this.column = column; this.endColumn = endColumn; } } } catch (nop) { /* Ignore if the browser is very particular */ } } Exception.prototype = new Error(); export default Exception;